How come we haven't heard anything about the non-ADOS Ethiopians helping the Republicans win VA?


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
Eritrean Defense Forces are committing war crimes against the Tigrayans.

Spoken like someone that’s been spoon fed TPLF propaganda via Western media aka State Dept News. Care to bring up the countless atrocities the TPLF has committed during this conflict (which they instigated and started) or the 27 years of human rights violations they have under their belt? Or their history as a neocolonial police state of America which antagonized and invaded neighbors?

The saddest thing about this conflict is that the misinformation campaign has worked almost flawlessly. That’s because many trusted outlets have either been too lazy or wholly complicit in presenting the carefully crafted bullshyt coming from the TPLF propaganda wing.

If you are genuinely wanting to be informed then I recommend BreakThrough News and reporters like Hermela Aragawi (an ethnic Tigrayan that was on the inside of that political ethnofascist cult) and Jemel Countess. If you want to remain misinformed then keep up with the mass media outlets helping to get millions of Ethiopians killed.


Here’s a recent interview. If any of you want to seriously understand what’s going on then watch this video. I especially want those posters that are critical of Black immigrants and want them to go back home and fix their own countries to see what happens when Black people actually do that. See what the white man does when the Black man, regardless of where he’s from, decides to go home and fix his home and help his people stand upright and make something of themselves.


The Tape Crusader
Mar 9, 2015
Spoken like someone that’s been spoon fed TPLF propaganda via Western media aka State Dept News. Care to bring up the countless atrocities the TPLF has committed during this conflict (which they instigated and started) or the 27 years of human rights violations they have under their belt? Or their history as a neocolonial police state of America which antagonized and invaded neighbors?

The saddest thing about this conflict is that the misinformation campaign has worked almost flawlessly. That’s because many trusted outlets have either been too lazy or wholly complicit in presenting the carefully crafted bullshyt coming from the TPLF propaganda wing.

If you are genuinely wanting to be informed then I recommend BreakThrough News and reporters like Hermela Aragawi (an ethnic Tigrayan that was on the inside of that political ethnofascist cult) and Jemel Countess. If you want to remain misinformed then keep up with the mass media outlets helping to get millions of Ethiopians killed.


Here’s a recent interview. If any of you want to seriously understand what’s going on then watch this video. I especially want those posters that are critical of Black immigrants and want them to go back home and fix their own countries to see what happens when Black people actually do that. See what the white man does when the Black man, regardless of where he’s from, decides to go home and fix his home and help his people stand upright and make something of themselves.

I completely trust your unbiased opinion. You could also discuss the fact that the TPLF overthrew the Derg and PDRE, who killed over a million Ethiopians in the 80s through famine.

I just think it's funny you're framing it as "The majority of Ethiopians are for this" when obviously they would be, because the Tigrayans are an ethnic minority. Most of them are rural farmers, so the idea that they're the ones committing mass atrocities when the militaries are the ones with all the resources, and there's been historic famines aimed at them in the past, it's more likely they're the ones at the receiving end.

I'm not caping for the TPLF, I'm just pointing out how you're completely glossing over any of the Tigrayan peoples' grievances. Essentially saying Tigrayans have nothing to complain about, the majority of Ethiopians should get to do whatever they want, and if you disagree then you're justified in voting GOP out of spite, similar to the arguments I hear against the PLO. I'm not saying you're necessarily wrong, just that your arguments aren't very convincing and seem totally slanted toward one side in the conflict, similar to arguments I've heard against other 'terrorist insurgency groups' or 'freedom fighters' depending on who's talking.

tl;dr: "They're terrorists, and if you don't like how we treat them, we'll vote republican" is not a very compelling argument.

Not caping for the TPLF, just pointing out the Tigrayan people who are suffering the consequences of this conflict.



Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
I completely trust your unbiased opinion. You could also discuss the fact that the TPLF overthrew the Derg and PDRE, who killed over a million Ethiopians in the 80s through famine.

I just think it's funny you're framing it as "The majority of Ethiopians are for this" when obviously they would be, because the Tigrayans are an ethnic minority, majority rural farmers, so the idea that they're the ones committing mass atrocities when the militaries are the ones with all the resources, and there's been historic famines aimed at them in the past, it's more likely they're the ones at the receiving end.

I'm not caping for the TPLF, I'm just pointing out how you're completely glossing over any of the Tigrayan's grievances. Essentially saying Tigrayans have nothing to complain about, the majority of Ethiopians should get to do whatever they want, and if you disagree then you're justified in voting GOP out of spite, similar to the arguments I hear against the PLO. I'm not saying you're necessarily wrong, just that your arguments aren't very convincing and seem totally slanted toward one side in the conflict, similar to arguments I've heard against other 'terrorist insurgency groups' or 'freedom fighters' depending on who's talking.


Actually, the Eritreans alongside the TPLF and other guerilla movements like the OLF and other popular forces overthrew the Derg. Without Eritrea’s control of the ports and their growing successes in their war against the govt, movements like the TPLF would’ve had no leg to stand on. And even back then, the TPLF was diverting aid meant to go to starving citizens of Tigray for their own war effort. The TPLF has always presented a story where they have an overinflated role in the overthrow of the Derg which is of course politically prudent but factually false. So let’s stop that right there, the Derg’s economic mismanagement, the Soviet’s fall, and the wars with Eritrea/Somalia along with the subsequent internal conflicts is what overthrew the Derg.

You also have to ask yourself if the TPLF had so much concern for Tigrayans then why do they still live in such conditions after 27 years of Tigrayan rule in the country? They diverted a vast majority of aid to themselves and didn’t even develop their own backyard. They were never for Tigrayans because at their core they are a petit-bourgeois separatist movement hellbent on disintegrating Eritrea and Ethiopia to create their own Tigrayan state. And when it comes to conflict, let’s look again at the fact that the TPLF has been the antagonist in this. If they were interested in peace they would’ve joined in the govts ceasefire but instead they went into neighboring provinces to kill and pillage. Without knowing their history in full it’s hard to comment because they’ll make you look foolish when presented with the actual story.

TPLF are an ethnofascist political cult not unlike the Nazis. Let’s look at the fact that the TPLF through their propaganda have created a society within Tigray that believes that these people are their only saviors. They’ve merely used the Tigrays as a political shield for their own gains. Grievances that Tigrayans have are by and large a consequence of the TPLF’s own unwillingness to have a dialogue with the govt.

What many western outlets constantly fail to report is that everything was tried to bring both sides to the table before this started. Religious leaders, people from the artist community, activists, everyone has tried. The govt was open to dialogue but the TPLF was not. They are hellbent in regaining control and the United States is also keen to bring back their favorite neocolonial whore in East Africa. If you want more proof of their cult like ways, look at the response of the Ethiopian govt to the UN’s latest report vs the TPLF’s response. At every turn, they have no room for accountability. They are always both victim and victor. Out one side of their lip it’s a mass genocide that no one can deny or else they are somehow supportive of genocide and rape and out the other side of their lip they’ve beaten back Ethiopian forces and is poised to destroy the state. If you use any critical thinking on a day to day basis you can clearly deduce that it’s impossible to be both of those things at once.

Trust me, once you actually begin to know the story you’ll begin to see where the propaganda is coming into play. You need to have a decent knowledge of Ethiopian history and good skills with disseminating the news to see the truth. I’m not even mad at you bro, this is a complex conflict and the U.S. Imperialist apparatus is working hard to distort the truth because they are actively exercising their hegemony within the region and bringing back an anti-democratic regime that again, a majority of the country does not like. And this has nothing to do with the plight of Tigrayans and everything to do with Abiy Ahmed attempting to create an economic bloc between Ethiopia and its neighbors in order to play a more active role within the region. So yes, this has elements of racism and imperialism on it as well.

So just to recap:

TPLF didn’t overthrow the Derg. The combined factors of the growingly successful Eritrean independence movement, economic mismanagement, the failing Soviet Union, and the small internal conflicts with ethnic paramilitary movements such as the TPLF is what overthrew the Derg.

Tigrayans are facing atrocities and hardships. However, this was spurred by the TPLF’s own desire to not negotiate a diplomatic solution with the govt and taking the route of war. Not the decision one would make if they had their peoples interest at heart. Neither did they join in the ceasefire in July to help bring aid to citizens and bring a peaceful resolution. Moreover, the TPLF are a petit bourgeois ethno fascist nationalist movement with aims to create its own nation state using the combined lands of Ethiopia and Eritrea. They have no interest in defending the rights of Tigrayans, just the rights to enrich themselves and bring back their repressive authoritarian society.

The Western media is littered with a mass misinformation campaign aimed to destabilize Ethiopia and overthrow Abiy Ahmed’s govt. Even in the framing what I said as somehow denying the Tigrayans claims of atrocities is product of the TPLF’s propaganda machine. Because as an outside viewer, you aren’t supposed to ask what happened to the Amharas, Afars, and countless other groups that were killed by the TPLF and their allies such as the highly racist OLF. All you’re supposed to do is repeat Getachew Reda talking points about how ONLY the Tigrayans are facing hardships.

If it sounds like I’m slanted it’s only because a vast majority of the TPLF’s story is bullshyt. The only thing that’s most likely true is the atrocities on its citizens. But of course, when the TPLF decides to unilaterally start an insurrectionist war against the state, the Tigrayan people are bound to be hurt. This comes with war. Unless you’re asking the Ethiopian govt to have absolutely no civilian casualties which is impossible I don’t know what standards you were looking for in all this. The Ethiopian govt has said it will punish perpetrators while the TPLF denies the legitimacy of the report. The TPLF started a war that caused casualties amongst their own and it was for no good reason at all. So why absolve them if the issue is atrocities committed on Tigrayans? Open your eyes breh, you’re being duped. This is classic American overthrow behavior of a country that decided to forge its own path independent of American foreign interests.

The God Poster

LWO representa
May 1, 2012
Maybe moving forward since they are a big part of that community the candidate will listen to their concerns


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
Maybe moving forward since they are a big part of that community the candidate will listen to their concerns

This gon most likely be repeated in other states like Georgia and Colorado since Denver and ATL have big Ethiopian populations also. Places like Texas or Cali won’t make a difference in either direction due to sheer numbers. But Ethiopians and Eritreans are determined to weaponize their vote against Establishment Dems. They’ve turned many of them into political enemies. If Progressive Dems are smart, they will come out as supportive of the Ethiopian diaspora community and the govt. Unfortunately though, much of the Left has gotten the story wrong.

The God Poster

LWO representa
May 1, 2012
This gon most likely be repeated in other states like Georgia and Colorado since Denver and ATL have big Ethiopian populations also. Places like Texas or Cali won’t make a difference in either direction due to sheer numbers. But Ethiopians and Eritreans are determined to weaponize their vote against Establishment Dems. They’ve turned many of them into political enemies. If Progressive Dems are smart, they will come out as supportive of the Ethiopian diaspora community and the govt. Unfortunately though, much of the Left has gotten the story wrong.
This is what should always be done regardless of the party

But as you know on here using your vote as a tool for change is looked down on


Jul 17, 2018
This gon most likely be repeated in other states like Georgia and Colorado since Denver and ATL have big Ethiopian populations also. Places like Texas or Cali won’t make a difference in either direction due to sheer numbers. But Ethiopians and Eritreans are determined to weaponize their vote against Establishment Dems. They’ve turned many of them into political enemies. If Progressive Dems are smart, they will come out as supportive of the Ethiopian diaspora community and the govt. Unfortunately though, much of the Left has gotten the story wrong.

This has been attempted before. It will not work the way you want nor expect. Both American political parties will say the right things, take whatever lobbying money you pony up with a smile, and do what they were going to do anyway: back their established partners in the region and leave you hanging in the wind.

All the bloodshed will continue until parties are forced to come to the negotiating table with one clear - if unspoken - goal...guaranteed water allocation downstream for Egypt so their entire local economy doesn't get disrupted. They're too reliant on the Nile. Without that assurance, their extremists get a platform and that morphs into hosts of other problems far beyond just Ethiopia.

Brer Dog

Nov 19, 2017
That’s incorrect. France cut off Ethiopia’s access to weapons when the Italians were angling to invade.

I know about France not wanting to get directly involved with the war, but not them cutting off their weapons trade entirely. Source?
The Russians stepped in out of religious solidarity.
And how does Russia's reason for supporting them change the fact that they did? It was still a European nation supporting an African nation against a European one.

Also, what sense would it make for Hitler to supply the Ethiopians with weapons when his ally was actively struggling to subdue the whole country? Mind you, Selassie was very clearly on the side of Allies from the beginning so what correspondence would his court have with the Third Reich?

You're confusing dates. In 1935 Germany and Italy were not yet allies, and the situation was tense. In 1935 the allies and axis didn't exist yet. WW2 hadn't even began.

Hitler was upset about Italy stopping stopping his attempt to take Austria in 1934. That year Mussolini sent troops to the Austrian border to protect Austria and preserve its independence. Mussolini was a personal friend of the Austrian president and Italy desired an independent Austria in existence as a buffer state between Italy and Germany. In retaliation, Germany supplied Ethiopia to weaken Italy. hans steffen ethiopia&f=false

The author is his grandnephew.

I don't agree with the dumb shyt that dude you quoted was saying, but to say that they got no support from European nations is false.

Edit: I forgot to mention that France allowed Russia to use their ports to supply Ethiopia.
Last edited:


The high exalted
Feb 4, 2016
For one, Democrat is not synonymous with black, so 'blacks' don't automatically owe Democrats their vote.

Two, 'blacks' are divided into several different groups and all don't have the same agendas, so what may be beneficial for one group may not be beneficial for another, just like how all latinos don't necessarily vote the same way. Mexicans and Cubans likely will vote very differently because of what they feel will benefit their group even though they fall under the larger umbrella of 'latino'.

Three, foreign blacks don't necessarily have the same relationship with Democrats and Republicans that 'fda' blacks have. If Democrats are bombing or destabilizing their homeland, then they will have as much antagonism towards the Dems that fdas have towards Republicans. Even though Ethiopians technically fall under the larger synthetic umbrella of 'black', they identify with Ethiopian FIRST.

Ethiopians are essentially voting against an administration they feel is antagonistic to them and their homeland. The fact that they were able to turn an election to the Republicans may actually make the Democrats offer concessions next time to attempt to procure their vote, whereas Democrats need to have no such considerations for 'fdas' because they will automatically vote Democrat for nothing in return.



Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
This has been attempted before. It will not work the way you want nor expect. Both American political parties will say the right things, take whatever lobbying money you pony up with a smile, and do what they were going to do anyway: back their established partners in the region and leave you hanging in the wind.

All the bloodshed will continue until parties are forced to come to the negotiating table with one clear - if unspoken - goal...guaranteed water allocation downstream for Egypt so their entire local economy doesn't get disrupted. They're too reliant on the Nile. Without that assurance, their extremists get a platform and that morphs into hosts of other problems far beyond just Ethiopia.

Obviously Rethugs won’t do shyt. This is strictly to hurt Biden and establishment Dems. Not because the right will suddenly help us out.

Also, there will be no negotiations. Because there was attempts well before this conflict to negotiate things and the TPLF refused. The majority of Ethiopians aren’t interested in negotiating they want the TPLF eliminated. So no, we not talkin to nobody. If America wants to come and join they lil bytch ass Woyane friends they can do that so we can help further destroy this country with prolonged conflict.

I know about France not wanting to get directly involved with the war, but not them cutting off their weapons trade entirely. Source?

And how does Russia's reason for supporting them change the fact that they did? It was still a European nation supporting an African nation against a European one.

You're confusing dates. In 1935 Germany and Italy were not yet allies, and the situation was tense. In 1935 the allies and axis didn't exist yet. WW2 hadn't even began.

Hitler was upset about Italy stopping stopping his attempt to take Austria in 1934. That year Mussolini sent troops to the Austrian border to protect Austria and preserve its independence. Mussolini was a personal friend of the Austrian president and Italy desired an independent Austria in existence as a buffer state between Italy and Germany. In retaliation, Germany supplied Ethiopia to weaken Italy. hans steffen ethiopia&f=false

The author is his grandnephew.

I don't agree with the dumb shyt that dude you quoted was saying, but to say that they got no support from European nations is false.

I have to find which book I read that France bit in. It might’ve been a Harold Marcus book but I’ll check and get back to you with the source.

In terms of Russian support, they easily could’ve denied support in favor of their European brethren but they decided to show solidarity as Orthodox Christians. Plus, Ethiopia has had corresponded with Europe for centuries so having diplomatic ties with Europe doesn’t somehow make them c00ns. But the little trinkets of help they gave during the Age of Imperialism was nothing given that they closed Ethiopia off from the technology of the industrial era. So admittedly, some Europeans powers helped here and there but by and large by the time of imperialism there was jockeying for position amongst the Brits, French, and Italians for the inside track to colonizing Ethiopia.

As for that quote, that’s very interesting. I’ll have to discuss this with some elders that are more informed on that time period but reading that it doesn’t sound all that far fetched. After all, war and politics can be a game of convenience.