How BOLD is this Christian Brehs message & tactics?


May 8, 2012
Homie he's running around trying to say the entirety of existence is not only evil, but seemingly out to get every human being existing on it.

I didn't contradict anything. "Word of God" ain't not once ever mentioned sirens, starbucks, Nabisco, caustic energy drinks... none of it.
These are manmade interpretations of conceptualizations they are attempting to extrapolate from text that has been rewritten thousands of times, tweaked, altered and adjusted to fit political needs.

The man is over here pointing at all these 'false idols' in our society... Meanwhile, the literal bible says do not bring into your home a tree, adorn it with baubles and celebrate with it.
Literally in the book, it says not to have Christmas trees because they - and they specifically - are acts of idolitry.

Modern Christians spend all their energy contorting that book into pretzels to find oppression and deviance in things so they can tell everyone else how they are living wrong, and ignore the stated things in the book that they themselves do and abide by.

The only thing that ever got Jesus angry in that book were people falsely attributing things to his father for their own personal enrichment and celebration. It is the singular anger point of that man in the entirety of the documented history of him.

And yet... all we see are Christians running around telling everyone else they are wicked, that the world is wicked, that their choices are incorrect... meanwhile, it says in the book not to do any of these things.

This man is not out here trying to put god first. He's using 'god' as a blunt instrument to tell his peers and those watching him that they need to be more like him and his understanding and belief about this world.

And before I forget.
The bible is a crowd-sourced parable book that people have taken way too seriously. There is a dragon in the bible. Two if you count the leviathan. 4 if you count the books the Catholic church decanonized but had previously been considered part of the bible until MAN decided it was too controversial.
All of Jesus' miracles? Horus.
Jesus' 'birthday'? Horus.
Death and resurrection? H O R U S.

Using a madeup book full of stories stolen from pagans as a cause to not only villify people, but VILLIFY THE VERY CULTURES STOLEN FROM is some extreme colonialism. Like... shyt crazy how blatant it is.

BTW... we have a name for running around looking for signs of evil in their day to day life, ranting and raving at others to see what they do - constantly guided by an internal voice telling them things they should not know but are sure must be completely factual. For feeling eternally victimized and like an invisible enemy is nipping at your heels, seeking your downfall.

it's called schizophrenia.

Hey, i told you he was BOLD in the thread title.

His methods isn’t for everyone. I see it triggered you.

But I think you take it more seriously than he does. I think his objective here is shock and getting engagement (comments, likes, shares, etc...)

It’s working cause i think he gained at least 200k followers since I made this thread

Anyways if he’s too much for you I recommend David Lynn. He’s has a more traditional Christian preacher approach

Best of luck :salute: