What are you talkin about he reached his peak? Wrestling matches...main event status? shyt that has nothing to do with selling apparel? You say he has no business being on the shirt...I'd say its strictly business that he's on the shirt. DX 2.0 was just as big as anything not named Austin or Rock in the attitude era. DX helped define Attitude before and after Michaels left. And theres no question DX was moving a shyt load of merch. HHH was the face of DX. Yeah Mick should be on there but HHH earned it as well. And by earned I mean...the WWF attached his name/his groups name to clothing that sold like hot cakes during a time period where he was super over. Sometimes I think you nikkas be drinking the smark propoganda kool-aid a bit too much. Like the WWE put him on there to feed his ego or boost his legacy. They're trying to make money. Honestly who gives a fukk about that shytty t-shirt. Nobody here is likely to buy that shyt with or without Foley.
This was the one tho
He didn't develop his Game persona until late in the Attitude Era. He didn't win his first World Title until late in the Attitude Era. He wasn't an established main eventer until late in the Attitude Era. Out of all the people who could have been replaced on that shirt, Triple H is the easy choice. Or they could have just added Foley to begin with and made it 6 people. They couldn't fit all of DX on the shirt.