Futuristic Eskimo
All Star
Corporations are the best and most efficient ways to create liquidity for the investors in a certain business. Its the reason that firms go public the the first place. Think of a situation where you and a friend start a company and it becomes a success. You want to retire but your friend does not. In instances such as this, the entire firm would most likely have to be sold off to the detriment of the operations of the company. While this example is relatively simple and you can answer by saying that all you will need to do is find a buyer for half the firm, this process is much more difficult and complex in real life. Also, doing this will completely destroy the average person's access to investing in big business and the equity markets in general. Your plan would increase wealth inequality breh. I'm hoping you aren't of the opinion that the structure of a corporation holds no advantages at all?Yes it does.
Yes I am.
I view regulation like many here view capitalism. It ultimately leads to corruption and becomes a tool for the 1%.
First we need "more regulation", now we need "good regulation"...
as long as people are involved it all ends the same. Complete accountability seems to be the only way to go imo.
What downsides do you see to the removal of corporations, as we know them?
Edit: About your point on regulation, I had a meeting with an M&A banker from JP Morgan today. He was telling me how the firm was forced to divest from a particularly profitable commodities business due to increasing pressure from the government. The 1% definitely do not like regulation as it forces firms like jp morgan to stay in its lane. It just needs to be done effectively. Please, read this book breh. it will open your eyes in to what actually needs to be done to the financial system
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