That SNL skit was and and always will be facts. Needs to be played at all onboarding events by HR.
It's not sexual harassment if she likes you
Can you expand on your statement more in depth
He grabbed my ass on stage," she told the outlet. "That was not part of the rehearsal! I was like, What are you doing!?”
Despite being shocked by the move, she recalls not being upset and letting it slide, to the surprise of her management team.
Sounds dope probably got shirts as they crossed state lines . Then he would tie dye the shirts .Tie dye shirts you say![]()
At the end of the day.. There is no such thing as game
It's. .. The girl finds you attractive and likes you and you don't fukk it up
That's it.
I thought these exact words.Them pregnant titties are huge![]()
Sexual tension is built through constant touching
How you think gym trainers be....
You know what? Never mind![]()
That’s not why asap was interested in her though.Yup
dating and marrying women with money >>>>>>>>
Kevin Samuel teaching men not to date women with $$ or careers
is it really "friendzoned" if both of yall are just not available?