what are the refs on? dude is holding hester's arm. how is that not a flag?
beenz Rap Guerilla Joined May 1, 2012 Messages 82,354 Reputation 10,309 Daps 186,560 Reppin The Chi (South Side) Nov 11, 2012 #181 what are the refs on? dude is holding hester's arm. how is that not a flag?
Brozay Veteran Supporter Joined May 1, 2012 Messages 63,534 Reputation 7,210 Daps 182,473 Nov 11, 2012 #182 that was PI...
StreetDawah Alhamdulillah Joined May 1, 2012 Messages 5,284 Reputation 50 Daps 2,715 Nov 11, 2012 #183 beaniemac said: what are the refs on? dude is holding hester's arm. how is that not a flag? Click to expand... Hester still gotta catch that. Man we really do miss Alshon out there.
beaniemac said: what are the refs on? dude is holding hester's arm. how is that not a flag? Click to expand... Hester still gotta catch that. Man we really do miss Alshon out there.
StreetDawah Alhamdulillah Joined May 1, 2012 Messages 5,284 Reputation 50 Daps 2,715 Nov 11, 2012 #184 Foster sonning us
beenz Rap Guerilla Joined May 1, 2012 Messages 82,354 Reputation 10,309 Daps 186,560 Reppin The Chi (South Side) Nov 11, 2012 #185 if only the bears had a comparable o-line to what the texans do.
Brozay Veteran Supporter Joined May 1, 2012 Messages 63,534 Reputation 7,210 Daps 182,473 Nov 11, 2012 #186 Brozay said: Man.. Foster is hurting us Click to expand...
THEREALBRAND Eterno Menino Supporter Joined Apr 30, 2012 Messages 22,586 Reputation 5,210 Daps 80,930 Reppin Eu Sou O Segundo Nov 11, 2012 #187 Backs doing work
L LadyElle0301 Pro Joined May 20, 2012 Messages 927 Reputation -10 Daps 1,567 Nov 11, 2012 #188 Foster kicking ass!
A achawk13 Rookie Joined Jun 17, 2012 Messages 135 Reputation 80 Daps 75 Reppin NULL Nov 11, 2012 #189 Foster killing tonight
THEREALBRAND Eterno Menino Supporter Joined Apr 30, 2012 Messages 22,586 Reputation 5,210 Daps 80,930 Reppin Eu Sou O Segundo Nov 11, 2012 #190 Finally
Brozay Veteran Supporter Joined May 1, 2012 Messages 63,534 Reputation 7,210 Daps 182,473 Nov 11, 2012 #191 Foster going HAM..fukk
StreetDawah Alhamdulillah Joined May 1, 2012 Messages 5,284 Reputation 50 Daps 2,715 Nov 11, 2012 #192 Foster is amazing
J Jesus Banned Joined May 1, 2012 Messages 16,966 Reputation -2,112 Daps 24,270 Reppin NZ Nov 11, 2012 #193
Bboystyle Bang Bang Packers gang! Joined May 2, 2012 Messages 45,244 Reputation -1,269 Daps 74,550 Reppin So. Cal Nov 11, 2012 #194 LOL Foster in that Bears D ass...This what the bears D all about?
A achawk13 Rookie Joined Jun 17, 2012 Messages 135 Reputation 80 Daps 75 Reppin NULL Nov 11, 2012 #195