I was a bit down on this series around season 2 because I felt it took a dip in "quality" from a prestige drama standpoint. Ridiculous writing and characters. But once I got over that and embraced it as a trashy political power fantasy I learned to roll with the absurdity and have enjoyed it much more ever since.
I agree with what a previous poster said though. Because I've accepted this as trash fun, then I want the most entertaining parts of the show to be at the forefront, and that's Clair and Frank working together as a team. I'm not here for her to undermine him or him to undermine her, or for either one of them to grow a conscious. I don't want the House of Cards to come crumbling like Walt in Breaking Bad, or for Frank to get his comeuppance. I don't need them to make some statement about absolute power and have an ending that punishes evil. Nah, double down on the fukkery. Let them two motherfukkers be evil together and entertain me by fukking up America
One nation, Underwood
I agree with what a previous poster said though. Because I've accepted this as trash fun, then I want the most entertaining parts of the show to be at the forefront, and that's Clair and Frank working together as a team. I'm not here for her to undermine him or him to undermine her, or for either one of them to grow a conscious. I don't want the House of Cards to come crumbling like Walt in Breaking Bad, or for Frank to get his comeuppance. I don't need them to make some statement about absolute power and have an ending that punishes evil. Nah, double down on the fukkery. Let them two motherfukkers be evil together and entertain me by fukking up America
One nation, Underwood