Somaliland says they want peace, but do not want to interfere with Ethiopia internal matters.
Shameless grifting lol their initial “fundraising” goal was 10k and when they realized they can make a ton of money off this, they switched it to 35K. Watch it go up to 100k by end of the week.
I don’t think Rania has tweeted a single time about Ethiopia before she realized how much attention her typical takes would get.
How do these sanctions apply to Eritrea
She has actually. Albeit minor stuff but they just got into town yesterday. I’m sure the majority of the time will be spent doing actual reporting from the ground unlike the vast majority of compromised news outlets in the West. Btw, I’m still waiting for Woyane to take Addis like the bytch ass Western media likes to parrot. How many more Woyane propagated bullshyt narratives does corporate media have to pump out to prove their own worthlessness in telling this story?
I actually don’t see this as grifting at all. When Amy Goodman does it she’s just raising funds because DN is indy () journalists but when BTN does it they’re grifting? Yeah?
They don’t have nearly the same resources as major outlets or even DN and they’ve been the main news outlet actually speaking up for the majority of Ethiopians and telling the full story minus State Dept driven narratives. Lol damn that, they deserve the support and Ethiopians/Eritreans will do that.
Nah bro, this is 100 percent opportunistic and I think you’re overlooking it because they align with your view of the conflict. I’ve followed Rania since her start and she was 100 percent focused on Middle East and Israel/Palestine in particular. This moved to a hyper focus on Syria, in which her pro government stance got her attention and now has turned into a niche in every ongoing conflict/hot button issue. She has never covered anything remotely close to the Horn of Africa until this conflict popped on her radar.
Democracy Now doesn’t do fundraising blitzes for trips to conflict zones, they have a very clear coverage model that is supported by their viewers. Don’t see how you can’t differentiate between that and Rania and co. popping in Addis, throwing up a GoFundme link and changing the fundraising goals every hour when they notice how much they can get.
I’m not a fan of Rania, even though I’m aware of her coverage. I don’t see analysis coming from her end, I see her taking exact same line in a ton of different conflicts and issues, all ultimately leading her to have the same line ( the Government in question is right, it’s opponents are Western pawns). There’s an audience for that clearly, but to me it’s extremely simplistic, and far too apologetic of state narratives only because they may be unaligned with the West.I couldn’t disagree more breh. Kudos for being hip to her work tho, she’s great I love her interviews and overall coverage.
She’s based in Lebanon and she’s Lebanese so of course she’d do ME stuff primarily since those are probably topics she has more familiarity with. Gotta start somewhere. On the contrary, I think people like her are merely lending a voice to stories that aren’t told as willingly or readily in most media circles. I’ve seen her do fundraising plenty of times outside of this so I honestly don’t see an issue with helping her and Eugene cover any extra expenses, or hell, just donating for the sake of supporting journalists that actually go out of their way to report on stories like this. If the ceiling goes up then good for her, that means we’re doing a good job of fundraising then.
I mean, if this is opportunistic then what do you call the absolute bullshyt that Western media has been parading on every and all manners of airwaves? That shyt has been incredibly offensive for us to watch all this gaslighting as if we’re dumb because we’re Africans. Bro, if it weren’t for BTN this would legit feel like I’m living some 1984 dystopian shyt. For God’s sake, even the so called indy news liberal champions Democracy Now was running whole CNN stories and questioning nothing Nima had to say whatsoever. As far as I’m concerned, credit to Rania for recognizing that millions of people were being silenced and taking on the story. Let her benefit.
Again, that’s more than I can say for the vast majority of news media.
Oh, and how I differentiate between BTN and DN is that one is much smaller and most likely needs many more fundraising schemes whereas DN is much more established and has many big money backers to handle those types of things. If we were talking about BTN being on a DN level then you’d have an argument but as far as I can tell they aren’t on that level.
So what I’m wondering is what exactly is wrong with Rania/BTN taking advantage of the mass media’s collective ignoring of 100+ million people and using that to further her platform? Sounds smart to me, especially if she’s lent her platform to others that can speak on the situation more. Especially if people like Eugene is actually bringing serious context/analysis you won’t find anywhere else. Nothing is free, and I’d rather see people support her than continuously go to outlets that don’t give any fukks at all expecting to hear our side of the story.
Shiiiit, Horn of Africa TV needs to do that if they haven’t already started because I’ve loved their coverage and interviews too.
I’m not a fan of Rania, even though I’m aware of her coverage. I don’t see analysis coming from her end, I see her taking exact same line in a ton of different conflicts and issues, all ultimately leading her to have the same line ( the Government in question is right, it’s opponents are Western pawns). There’s an audience for that clearly, but to me it’s extremely simplistic, and far too apologetic of state narratives only because they may be unaligned with the West.
As far as coverage of Ethiopia goes, I see proponents of both sides of the war angry when media doesn’t report on their side in a positive light. To me, best coverage is by AlJazeera, particularly AlJazeera Arabic who’s Ethiopia corresponded is actually in Afar region reporting from midst of frontline:
They’ve reported government losses and governments recent wins in the exact same manner and as correspondent is Afari he’s clearly well attuned and knowledgeable of the region.
I’d much rather watch that, then have Rania give me hackneyed talking points that delight government supporters but don’t actually inform anyone at all.