But he also saved Luke, which by this logic makes him responsible for the New Jedi Order (old legends) or the New "Rey" Jedi Order from the Disney canon.even you try to discount the new movies that came out in the old canon in the books and game storys that come after return of the jedi he did not end the empire of evil that he help create the empire even in it weaken state is still a major power that all dark side force adept run to for help in order take over the galaxy . And the alot of the good he did as a jedi got wipe by his own hands because he help the emperor kill alot of the people he save as a jedi.
It works both ways, that's why it doesn't work at all.
He was a kid/teenage hero and a hero of the Clone Wars.
Then he was a psychopath that nearly wiped out the Jedi Order and caused havoc to the galaxy.
Then his son reminded him of what he should've done back when he caught Mace giving Palpatine the beats by Windu and we got the return of the Jedi.
If he's responsible for the bad shyt that happened before and after he fulfilled the prophecy, then he's also responsible for the good shyt.
What matters is that he was once a good person, became bad, and in his final act became good again. That's redemption. Not something we have to applaud or like him for, but redemption nonetheless.