The lip quiver when the concierge got slapped still cracks me up
“Do bundle up, it’s awfully chilly outside.”
Ole boy at the hotel took several Ls through out this flick
The lip quiver when the concierge got slapped still cracks me up
“Do bundle up, it’s awfully chilly outside.”
lmao i been to shops like that before in suburbs...but can we talk about how wack duncan toy chest was?
ish had no toys any kid would want
but can we talk about how wack duncan toy chest was?
ish had no toys any kid would want
whatever you guys do, don't watch the new one on disney plus
i'll stick to watching successionwhatever you guys do, don't watch the new one on disney plus
Is it this one? If that's the case, lil fukker looks like a school shooter that says the n word in COD lobbies
Donald Trump hired Pennywise the dancing Clown to be the head of the hotel main floor. Does anybody check the resumes at this place?!?The lip quiver when the concierge got slapped still cracks me up
“Do bundle up, it’s awfully chilly outside.”