So he’s not gonna break the Flair record?
In the alternate timeline he also won the WCW Championship, which would put him at 17
So he’s not gonna break the Flair record?
In the alternate timeline he also won the WCW Championship, which would put him at 17
All the callbacks were great, really kept the fans who tuned in during Cena's era (like me) entertained. Fan service to the fullest.Hollywood Cena was symbolism for how despite never officially turning heel he still became the biggest one in the company.
Between referencing that, the Vince'isms, his relationship with Nikki, and how he buried Bray back in the day they really didn't hold back. Props to all of them.
For yall who dont know
There was already a plan in place for a cena heel turn in the early 2010s(I think it was early 2010s) but vince got cold feet and deaded the entire thing because of the deal with kmart
He never turning heel. no point in doing it now since he never gonna be here weekly and take damage once corona is gone
I can see it nowCena is floating around somewhere stuck like antman
You would think this is a great time for a heel run but I still don't see it happening, we'll probably get Lost Cena again, he'll hit rock bottom then comeback as Super Cena
Next year's WM :
He turned into Marky MarkHe looks like a fukking tool with hair. And it’s crazy because that’s how his hair naturally grows. & plus the loss in muscle mass, he looks like a p*ssy. He needs a beard or some kind of facial hair