my sincerest condolences to you & those close to you & your wife. A very close friend of mine lost his wife to cancer about a year ago. She was slightly younger than your wife, and they have 3 young boys.
It has taken him time to be able to engage with the world properly again, but he has used the last year or so to grieve properly for his wife, and to make sure that the boys come to terms with the loss. He found it useful to have a therapist to talk with on a regular basis, and he suggests that he’ll keep meeting with his therapist on a semi-regular basis on an ongoing basis so that he has an outlet to be able to talk through things he would find uncomfortable talking about with friends or family.
My father passed away when I was eleven, so have some appreciation of what your boys will be going through. i am sure that you will prioritise their wellbeing & their coming to acceptance with what has happened, but please also make sure that you are able to grieve properly. It is easy for me to say that without living through this as you have to, but I saw that my mother did not take enough time for herself after my father passed, preferring to sacrifice her needs for my brother and I, and it undoubtedly affected her.
Kids are remarkably resilient. They will, with the right time & support from those close, be able to get through this and grow. Make sure that you are also devoting enough time and care to yourself so that you can grieve properly.
Again, easy for me to say, but I mean sincerely that I’d always be happy to be a completely neutral and non-judgmental person with whom to swap messages if you don’t feel right talking to those closer to you. Whilst how we deal with death and grief is unique to us, I have some insight into this terrible loss, and am always happy to offer any thoughts or musings that might in some way help.
Death is not the end. I now know that for a fact, and you’ll be with your wife again. When the time comes for that to happen, you will be together for eternity.
As said, my deepest condolences to you & your respective families.