Class consciousness isn’t really a thing in America and people don’t like to talk about money. I think calling oneself middle class is the default way of either talking one’s self up if you’re broke or being humble if you got it. That or saying something like “working mother” even if you’re making 250k a year. I’ll watch the videos later when I’m done working. I think politics may be the only time most people talk about resources in class terms. There’s almost a shame in talking about anything class-based until you’ve got money and then hoarding is encouraged- largely through taxes.
Been thinking about class differences in regards to the Black community and how that impacts how they see themselves and how they engage with White collar spaces. I've noticed many of my working class Black friends call themselves middle class because they a) look at middle class as primarily being income based and b) compare their lifestyles to poor black people. And they are generally not aware of their financial and network shortcomings as a result. And so I've often wondered how that misassesment impacts their decision making in regards to major life decisions.
@Pressure @No1 @dora_da_destroyer
@FAH1223 and/or @tru_m.a.c can we please have this re stickied?
Somebody needs to be the bad guy, even on here.I'm starting to understand why some people believe the US functions better when it's at war with an external enemy. All this domestic political infighting isn't actually doing anything for the American people...
You mean to tell me you understand exponential growth, but don't agree with more black people investing.