Essential HL Random Thoughts Thread

Berniewood Hogan

Aug 1, 2012
All 3 times the Republicans had complete control of government in the last 100 years, Senate, Congress and President, for over 4 years, it has resulted in the greatest financial collapses in the last 100 years.

Don't think so?

  1. The Panic of 1907…… Markets fell over 43% before bottoming out).....Complete GOP control from 1901 to 1913

  2. The Great Depression, 1929..... fueled by the unsustainable laissez-faire (unregulated) polices of the roaring 20’s......Complete GOP control from 1921 to 1933

  3. The Financial crisis of 2007-2008....Complete GOP control from 2001 to 2007
Check it out here if you don't believe it (Wikipedia divisions of US government).

While you're checking Wikipedia, notice what happened between 1933 and 1995 when the Democrats had complete control of the Congress and the Senate for all but 2 years.....What happened?

America created the largest most prosperous middle Class the world had every seen...inequality was at an all time low and wages were at an all time high.

It wasn't until 1995 When the Gingrich Republicans took over congress for the first time in over 60 years (with his contract with On America) that inequality started to skyrocket and the American standard of living began to sink.

Want to bet what 4 + years of Republican control lead by Trump is gonna bring?

intra vires

Glory to Michigan
Aug 3, 2017
The Catholepistemiad
1. I've always been critical of Bernie. I LIKED HIS PLATFORM...but I always felt eh was a terrible communicator, he was personally unrealistic, and personally unreliable

2. His ties to Russia worry the shyt out of me. Same with Corbyn.

3. I felt that Bernie and his supporters did irreparable damage to legitimate Democrats and the larger project of rejecting republicanism.

4. I have a legitimate and serious question: How and Why did Tad Devine take the Sanders job? Manafort was quarterbacking serious selections in Trump's camp. Heres one: MIKE PENCE. We MUST get to the bottom of this. Devine clearly was coordinating Sanders movements behind the scenes with Manafort. How high does this go?

So I changed the venue for the reason I stated in my prior post. If that's a problem for you let me know.

Also before I being I’ll note that you used 'felt' quite often. If those feelings aren't substantiated by clear reasoning, then they lean into my statement about this being a personal vendetta. Please don't think I'm trying to discount your feelings, that's not my intent. I just need to know why you feel that way.

1. That's fair and I feel similar, however, his style works with his base and it appealed to Obama-Trump voters. Unrealistic is a matter of perspective which is dependent on how much of a hardliner you believe him to be. Could you be specific about unreliable? Some say he’s unreliable because he’s only a Democrat when it’s convenient for him, which is a valid criticism. The other issue is people feel as though he hasn’t truly reconciled with the party. Especially considering the way Obama and Clinton did after their heated primary. I understand that rational, but I'm uncertain what he should have done.

2. I find this to be somewhat overblown. What specifically worries you? If he became president, the Democrats are anti-Russia (and don't really like him) and the GOP wouldn't have no reason to act ambivalent if the "agent'" isn't benefiting them electorally. There's no real path to make nice with Moscow.

3. I need you to elaborate on all of this. I feel like you're giving Bernie and his supporters more credit than due. Republicanism is all about its marketing and its ability to use doublespeak to control the narrative. If you want to defeat them a large part of that is not allowing them to frame the argument. We've been letting them frame the argument since Nixon.

4. You really cannot say Devine was coordinating Sanders ' movements with Manafort in such a matter of fact way. You're needlessly jumping the gun here. However, I do think he needs to be investigated, I just don’t know that it will be. I don’t believe Russia was expecting a Trump win, or at least they didn’t go into this with that outcome. So it stands to reason he would attack from both sides of the spectrum. Why take a half measure? Perhaps one was more malleable than the other, but I'm skeptical that there wasn’t an attempt to use both. He hates Hillary and wanted to undermine the 2016 elections, those are facts.

As an aside what are your thoughts on Jay Inslee? I haven't delved into him as a candidate, but a few of my friends are in his corner. It could just be west coat bias.