ha ha that shyt did backfire though
URL's last event was PPV, those who paid got ALL THE BATTLES RIGHT AWAY. Even if you didn't pay, they aren't bothering to flag the bootlegs.
URL ain't really gotta worry about what Don't Flop is doing, Don't Flop USA is making dope battles out of match-ups URL is scared to touch. Both leagues should flourish.
Yooooo that's shyt was fukking flames.. Definitely adds new life to the match ups we've seen time and time again.. This shyt done set the bar tho, you can tell they out hella effort into this shyt. Dope
I'm not talking about URL's last event, I'm talking URL in general. They're late with everything and the whole thing is poorly run. When people push videos like this out like it's nothing, it lets the fans know who's trying and who's just too damn lazy.