History, Truths & Commentary


May 7, 2012


Obama’s Imperial African Policies

by Jared A. Ball

Patrick Bond of the University of KwaZulu-Natal in Azania (South Africa) joined the show this week to discuss his recent reporting on Obama’s African policies. Dr. Mark Bolden joined us as well as we went over those policies and highlighted the stark similarities between Nelson Mandela’s post-apartheid U. of S.A. presidency and Barack Obama’s pre-apartheid U.S. of A. presidency. This was all also done in the context of Obama’s re-election and the delusion it continues to impose forcing too many to ignore the many broken promises and lies told by this centrist-conservative and ultimately imperial president.

voxunion » Obama’s Imperial African Policies w Patrick Bond

Forget all the rhetoric. Increased access to oil, imposition of pro-corporate economic policy, hostility to China and attempts to gain cooperation in the ‘War on Terror’ are the most important factors in US foreign policy on Africa. The November elections won’t change that.

Pambazuka - Washington in Africa 2012







Rest In Peace Emmett Till. Lynched 57 years ago today for allegedly whistling at a White woman. He was only 14 years old


May 7, 2012

Tupac and the Revolutionary Shakur Family Interview
Interview with Bilal Sunni-Ali by Kalonji Changa

When some people hear the name Bilal Sunni-Ali, they think of the world renown musician from the Legendary Gil Scot-Heron's Band. The Group that brought us the Liberation Classic, "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised" and appeared on stages and screens around the globe, including a Saturday Night Live Special with the Late Comedy King, Richard Pryor. When others hear the name Bilal Sunni-Ali, they think of the Black Panther from New York who was a co-defendant in the United States vs. Dr. Mutulu Shakur case. The case that was known in the Revolutionary Community as, "The Republic of New Afrika vs the United States". In this case, the state was claiming that a "Criminal Enterprise" existed and that they were a part of it. They claim the "Criminal Enterprise" was responsible for what they called bank robberies, armored truck robberies, murder of policemen, wounding policemen, kidnapping policemen, kidnapping prison guards, etc. The defendants were charged with 31 different counts. Some of the charges were in conjunction with the liberation of Assata Shakur.

What follows is an interview that took place at the office of the International Committee to Support Imam Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin (formerly H.Rap Brown).

Bilal lays it down about Tupac and how the Shakur Family came about.

Kalonji: What is the Origin of the Shakur Family which Tupac was born into?

Bilal: The Shakur Family is a family from the East Coast, the head of the Family was El Hajj Sallahudin Shakur. We affectionately called him Abba, which means Father. He was physically the father of two of the Panther leaders on the East Coast, Zayd Malik Shakur and Lumumba Abdul Shakur. There were very few of us in the Movement that had fathers in the Movement. El Hajj Sallahudin Shakur was an associate of El Hajj Malik Shabazz (Malcolm X), he was a member of the Muslim Mosque Incorporated and also a member of the Organization of Afro-American Unity. He made Hajj one year after Malcolm. As we were coming up Abba was at the top. We aspired to be like him. I became closely associated with Lumumba Abdul Shakur and I began to refer to El Hajj Sallahudin Shakur as Abba, too. As if he was my father and Abba accepted that. He accepted all of us who related to him, as his children and he was a father to us as much as he could be. He gave guidance, he gave us an understanding because he was a Muslim, he gave us an understanding of what it meant to be Muslim, as far as standing up for justice. For advocating justice and for fighting for what was right for our people. He had an understanding that anyone who is oppressed like this regardless of who it is, Muslims need to fight for them and since it is us ourselves, then for sure we need to be involved in as much struggle for our liberation and organizing as possible. A lot of people just saw religion as a way, not to be in the struggle. He gave us the understanding that to be in Islam, was the way to be in the struggle. He was also a Pan-Africanist, he worked, had property and lived part of the time in Africa. The family had property and business in Ghana and he was a business man. He taught us all to be self-sufficient. He had money, he showed us you could hustle, make money legally, and still he didn't have to let the United States Government know what his personal business was. That was a very important lesson we learned from El Hajj Sallahudin Shakur.

Kalonji: How did the Shakur Family spread?

Bilal: There were many people on the east coast who were involved in not only the Black Panther Party, but other organizations around at that time that gravitated towards El Hajj Sallahudin Shakur. The Shakur family is all of those young brothers and sisters who were involved in struggle, not all were Muslim, but the majority were Muslim. It may have been at one time maybe 50 of us. A lot of people who weren't part of the Shakur family, the police would refer to them as Shakur anyway, because it was a big group and the influence was felt by many people who were not a part, but wanted to be down with us. Afeni Shakur, joined the party and then she was married to Lumumba Abdul Shakur for a few years. They were both part of the New York 21 case. So when she married Lumumba Abdul Shakur, that made her part of the Shakur family, then she legally changed her name to Shakur. Even after her and Lumumba broke up, she kept the name. Later on her and Mutulu Shakur were married. Mutulu Shakur was a younger brother in the same area where they lived in Jamaica Queens, who had adopted the revolutionary lifestyle when he was about 14 or 15. He was a legionnaire. He was involved in the first big shoot out at New Bethel Church in Detroit. At the Second Annual Convention of the Republic of New Afrika. There was a shoot out when the police assaulted that gathering. Mutulu was one of the legionnaires at the time in the military forces of the Republic of New Afrika, that was responsible for and actually defended the lives of many of our leaders that were there. A lot of them owe it to Mutulu for his level of discipline in saving their lives. Baba Herman Ferguson and Mama Iyaluah Ferguson were directly protected by Mutulu when things broke out. These are some of the figures that were members of the Shakur Family. Three of them that I named were directly involved in Tupac's life.

Kalonji: What about Assata Shakur, where did she fit into the family tree?

Bilal: Assata Shakur became part of the family when Abba adopted Assata like he did the rest of us. It wasn't through marriage, a lot of people who were attracted to our lifestyle of work and our style of living, accepted the name Shakur. Formerly she was known as Joanne Chessimard, she became part of the family. Around the time of her arrest, that's when I first remember her using the name Assata Shakur, in '73.

Kalonji: At what point did you personally come in contact with Tupac Shakur?

Bilal: When he was an infant. I used to give flute lesson to two of his first cousins and I would listen to their poetry, but i would never hear anything from Tupac in his early years. It caught me totally by surprise, him becoming a star. I remember we were in the house and my children were playing this music and it had all this cussin' in it and I said " Who the fu*k is that?" and they said, " That's Tupac daddy", and I said " I don't give a fu*k who it is, turn that sh*t off". Listening to my response, I was thinking well damn, if that's Tupac and I'm upset at what he is saying I said well, I can't be upset, I need to change my style, because I can't say I'm upset with him, because obviously he got part of that from me. I heard myself respond like that and that's what really made me pay attention to Tupac as an artist. I guess when you move around a lot, some kids in the family you miss. I just missed his talent til' it was later on. He dug me as a musician. I didn't realize that til' he became a star, and he asked me to do a Soundtrack for him, for a story he and his brother put together called Thug Life. Even though I hadn't paid attention to him, he had heard my music all his life.

Kalonji: So you were involved in the Soundtrack?

Bilal: I became involved in the soundtrack and then I became more involved in having discussions with him, whenever I could. He was on the right track, a lot of people say he wasn't. A lot of people don't pay attention to his music, so when they listen to it they say, ' oh it's all about' killing people, but if you really listen to it a lot of the negativity, it's a commentary on it. He actually denounces it and points to a better way in most instances.

Kalonji: How did he relate to the Elders in the Family?

Bilal: Tupac as a person was very respectful. I remember times seeing Tupac places where I didn't even notice him. Then I would see somebody stop, turn around and give me a hug and it would be Tupac. Being in the business myself, I would be on a lot of sets that he would be coming to and he would always see me and give me props and tell people who I was in relation to him and his family. So a lot of young people would have respect for me, just based off of how they saw Tupac treating me.

Kalonji: What do you think of Tupac as an Organizer?

Bilal: As an organizer, I think he was very good and influential, particularly around those things that were gang related. People often accused him of creating gang warfare. He was the type of person that can walk in any hood or turf and get props. People would listen to him. He had that gift to be able to move around in a manner that we needed. We needed someone to move around and talk to young brothers in the street and in every area. Because he had grown up in different areas. A few months here, a few months there; he was rooted in Harlem, in the Bronx, in Baltimore, in Oakland, California, any one of these place he could call home. He knew the industry life there, he knew the street life there, he knew the gang life there and he was working, he wasn't just hanging out partying. He was explaining to young people what it meant to have a set of values. Tupac was a Kwanzaa baby from birth. I remember the first Kwanzaa ceremonies that were celebrated in this country, he was there, as a baby and as a youth. He had a very keen understanding about what the whole struggle was.

Kalonji: Who was Geronimo Pratt in relation to Tupac?

Bilal: Geronimo Ji-Jagga was his Godfather. Geronimo was very influential in organizing youth. He was in the joint out there when the Bloods and Crips started. So when the first few members started going to jail, he knew them because when they would come up thru the jail, they would come up under him. He knew a lot of the shot callers on the West Coast and 9 times out of 10 he knew the parents of these shot callers. Most of them became Panthers or were affiliated or part of the community that was enlightened by the Panther Party. A lot of people that were in the street tribes came out of the loins of people who were revolutionary.

Kalonji: Do you think his death was an assassination or some random act of violence?

Bilal: There is no way that I can ever think it was a random act of violence.

Kalonji: So do you think it was an East Coast, West Coast beef?

Bilal: A lot of that East Coast- West Coast stuff, was the police. The same thing was done with the Black Panther Party. We never had any animosity with anyone just because they were from the West Coast and we were from the East. So it's ridiculous to even suggest that people accepted that. But when people see it printed so much and then read it in print over and over again, just like when you hear someone saying it over and over, they began to believe it and they began to internalize it. I don't even see that there was an East Coast-West Coast beef for him to be caught up in the middle of. If there was, I welcome someone to explain to me what that East Coast-West Coast Beef was. I know that during the Panther Party it was nothing. It was purely something that was made up, that was an attempt to get us to go at it with each other. An effective attempt, I had Comrades who were killed by close Comrades because of this. But it was nothing that any of us could point to and say, we don't like the West Coast because of this and we don't like the East Coast because of that. It was all contrived. If you examine the origination of the Bloods and the Crips you find a lot of it was contrived and they were made to fight each other. If you examine what they all are based on from their groups, they ain't got no beef with each other. The way they were organized they shouldn't have any beef with each other. That's what the whole Crip thing was about, following in the foot steps of the revolutionary organizations to stop gang warfare amongst the youth. That was a heavy priority in organizing the original Panther Party. A lot of our recruitment was done and a lot of political education was given to the gang members.

Kalonji: Why would there be an interest in assassinating Tupac from a political standpoint?

Bilal: He represented so much unity in the fact that he could associate with all the people that the forces that are against us wanted to keep fighting, amongst each other. He was clear through his actions that it would stop and they didn't want it to stop. Just like Martin Luther King, he represented a way where people can come together peacefully. So you say, " Why would the FBI murder someone who wanted peace?" Because they don't want peace. If they wanted peace, they would have protected Martin Luther King, they wouldn't have killed him. They don't want unity in the hood. They don't want peace in the hood. They want continued strife, because that's how they make their money. The more people go to jail, more money is made. It's more than just the prison itself, it's on the stock market, people invest in it. Prison industry, you can tell your stock broker put $50,000 or $100,000 on the prison industry, because that's growing fast. I want some of that. And because it's growing fast, stock holders began to demand certain things, so it can keep growing fast. One of the things they demands is more people locked up. So if you got unity in the community, if you got peace in the hood and people stop slingin' in the hood, then you ain't got no reason to lock people up. So take one person that's responsible for that and assassinate his character and then you assassinate him, then people are confused about his character. They become confused about his character, further confused about his character assassination and even more confused about his actual assassination.

Kalonji: For people who wanted to learn more about Tupac's legacy what do you suggest?

Bilal: I would encourage them to see the movie The Resurrection of Tupac Shakur, better yet buy it. Because that is his legacy. It is in his own words, the narration is in his own words. It's not about anyone talking about what they feel about Pac. For people who doubt or are confused about what I have said, they should see that movie.

Bilal is currently the Coordinator of the International Committee to Support Imam Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin and has a radio show on WRFG radio in Atlanta, Georgia that airs on Fridays at 5:30 pm. He is also still a touring musician.

Kalonji Jama Changa is the founder/National Chief Coordinator of The FTP Movement, he can be reached at: defendingthepoor@yahoo.com or FTP MOVEMENT - FOR THE PEOPLE * MAMA'S ARMY * MOTHERS OF BLACK & BROWN BABIES


May 7, 2012

When a society makes a decision to close SCHOOLS and build more PRISIONS, something is wrong with that society.






**This map is not accurate in scale as Aksum is much larger, and extended into Arabia. Sokoto is also not included.**

It has been noted that the first records of people describing their land as ”Motherland” were the Ancient Egyptians however the word above literally means, ‘Land of the spirits’ meaning ‘land of the Ancestors’. It is from the work of Adolf Erman and Hermann Grapow.

Worthebuch der Aegyptishen Sprache. Band V, p. 216. The Ancients referred to Africa south of their country by names such as Ta-Kenset, literally „placenta-land‟, Khenti = „ land of beginnings‟ and Ta-iakhu = „the land of the spirits‟, that is, “where the souls of ancestors dwell ( “Nile Genesis: Continuity of Culture from the Great Lakes to the Delta” in Ivan Van Sertima).


There is an academic debate that the Ancient Egyptians called themselves Black based upon KMT (Kemet) which in some circles is translated as “Black people.” Now at the end of the word KMT is an ideogram which can only mean physical place (the cross road sign above).


The ideogram indicates the context in which the word applies. An ideogram for humans would always be used to represent a word that applied to people. However Kemet can only mean Black Land since the ideogram indicates it is describing a built or non-human environment. But none of this discredits the founders of Kemet as being African people, just like the Fulani or the Amhara. “Black” in the North American context. The “social “construction of race in America does not rely on skin color. “African Americans,” as Asante notes, ” constitute the most heterogeneous group in the United States biologically, but perhaps one of the most homogeneous socially.” The issue is color is used against African interest, for example:

Statement: “The Anicent Egypts were Black people”,

Reply: “no there were brown in color”

Truth: They were African people and like many African people display skin colors from high yellow to deep black.

Despite the new wave of myths regarding Nubia and Kemet (Ancient Egypt) It is clear that Kemet and Nubia were neighbouring African Civilizations just as Aksum and Nubia. Difference doesn’t mean Nubia was a ‘black race’ and Kemet wasn’t. Both groups were ethnic groups of indigenous African origin. The ethnic differences were no more significant than Ethiopians verses Kenyans.

Even today, you can find dark skin Ethiopians, much darker than South African Zulus and you can find light-skin Ethiopians lighter than most Arabs, and light skin Zulus lighter than most Indians. Skin color among African people is and always has been highly varied.

The salient reality is that no one can deny the historical truism that the Greeks (the world’s first Europeans) went to ancient Kemet to study at the Temple of Waset (later called Thebes by the Greeks and Luxor by the Arabs).In his magnum opus, A Lost Tradition:

African Philosophy in World History, (1995) Dr. Theophile Obenga quotes Aristotle ranking Egypt as “the most ancient archeological reserve in the world” and “that is how the Egyptians, whom we (Greeks) considered as the most ancient of the human race” (p. 45).


May 7, 2012

You are given some stew and you add water; you must be wiser than the cook. - Motherland Proverb


Here's the man behind the scene... "Game runner."

Evelyn Rothschild may seem like a harmless old man, make no mistake about it. Rothschild and his ancestors have hand-picked presidents, crashed stock markets, bankrupted nations, orchestrated wars and sponsored the mass murder and impoverishment of millions.

The wealth hoarded by this one family alone could feed, clothe and shelter every human being on Earth.


George Allen, Jr. and his mother, Lonzetta Taylor, head to lunch after his release from prison today. George served more than 30 years for a conviction that a judge overturned last week, based on the police’s failure to disclose evidence pointing to his innocence


The most important post so far:

Please sign.

Petition | UNITED NATIONS AND UNITED STATES PETITION TO ABOLISH PRISON SLAVERY: Remove the 13th Amendment's Exception for Prison Slavery | Change.org


May 7, 2012




When white folks can't defeat you they'll always find some Negro—some boot-licking, butt-licking, buck-dancing, bamboozled, half-baked, half-fried, sissified, punkified, pasteurized, homogenized ******—that they can trot out in front of you. - Khalid Abdul Muhammad



Everythang's a scam, beat the next man
That's capitalism, they'll just build a new prison

For you slick ass *****s' that's tryin' to beat the system
Put you on the front line if you ain't re-enlisting

It's hot in hell's kitchen, get ready for the lynching
Brain-wash media, and puppet politician

Keep you out of position, out of commission
By medicine or food, that's not a decision

The 99 percent, is man tryin' to vent - Ice Cube


May 7, 2012




Sarah Baartman (1789-1815), also known as Saartjie Baartman or the Hottentot Venus, was an African woman who became a sideshow in London and Paris. She was almost completely naked and had a very large behind, even for the part of Africa she came from – near Cape Town in South Africa. Those who paid more were allowed to touch it.

She was promised riches if she came to Europe, but she ended her life in prostitution and drink in the streets of Paris, far from home, dying at age 26 of an “inflammatory and eruptive sickness”.

It gets worse.

After she died her body was cut up and studied by Napoleon’s doctor, Georges Cuvier. He made a cast of her body and put her skeleton, brain and labia in the Museum of Man in Paris where it was seen for more than a hundred years, until the 1970s.

She is well known by her own people, the Khoisans (who used to be called Hottentots). She has come to stand for all the sick injustices they have had to live through under white rule.

Baartman’s parents were killed when she was little. She became a slave of a Dutch farmer who lived near Cape Town. In 1810 a man from England promised her half the profits if she came to London with him to show her off.

She was shown off to Londoners as if she were an animal. She was kept behind bars most of the time, almost completely naked. She was told to act like a wild animal. Sometimes she was let out to do tricks, like sitting, standing and walking on command.

A man from Jamaica saw this and demanded that she be freed. But the judge, after speaking with her, said she was doing it of her own free will.

In 1814 she came to Paris where she became part of the show of an animal trainer. When the French tired of her she was forced into prostitution.

Her labia were large and hung down from her body. That is natural for Khoisans but not for whites. Some took it as physical proof that black women are mad for sex. While she was alive she let no one see them, as it is a private part of a woman’s body, but once she was dead Cuvier had them shown in public.

When Mandela became president of South Africa in 1994 he asked France to return her remains. It took eight years and a special law, but in the end the French gave her back. Her body has now been laid to rest on a hill near where she was born.

Sadly, it is not a huge jump from the Hottentot Venus of the 1810s to the Danse sauvage of Josephine Baker in 1925 to the video vixens of 2008. But there has been progress of a sort: no one thinks of putting Buffie the Body in a museum after she dies


The Role of SO CALLED the Queen Today.

The media has mislead the public into believing that QE2 is a symbolic ceremonial figure-head with little or no real power. That she is a harmless old relic that passes her time sipping tea at the palace. Nothing could be further from the truth.

As British Monarch, queen Elizabeth 2 is the wealthiest, most powerful person on earth. She embodies the Crown and supreme world power. Presidents of the United States are forbidden any title of nobility and are subservient to the Monarch. The US president is commander in chief of the US forces at Camp David. Which is known to insiders as camp king David.

Prime ministers in Commonwealth nations like Canada and Australia are also subservient representatives of the British king or queen. They are her spokesmen. The governor generals of the queen's commonwealth nations represent and exercise the queens power on her behalf.

What the general public doesn't realize is that their leaders are only representatives of the monarch and do not possess the power. They exercise the power. They do not reign, they rule. The monarch, on the other hand, reigns but does not rule. Possesses the power but does not exercise it.

By delegating her powers instead of exercising her powers, the queen is left safely outside and above the conflicts and divisions of the political process. She is protected from becoming a target of political hostilities.

Meanwhile, the general public is kept in the dark about the true powers that the queen actually possesses. Powers that she delegates but has not yet chosen to exercise.

So what exactly are these powers that the queen possesses but has not chosen to exercise?

Her powers include:

The power to choose the prime ministers and to dismiss the prime ministers either directly in Britain, or through her governor generals in Commonwealth countries.

The power to dismiss ministers and the government.

The power to dissolve parliament and call new elections.

The power to refuse legislation passed by parliament.

The power to command the armed forces and raise a personal militia.

The power to read confidential government documents and intelligence reports.

The power to declare a state of emergency and issue proclamations.

The power to call elections and enact laws in her majesties name.

Not a single law is passed without the queen's consent.

The power to exercise "Crown Prerogatives" which means the monarch can declare war through her prime minister, without the agreement of parliament.

The power to grant and bestow titles like “Sir”.

The power to pardon convicted criminals.

So why has the queen been allowed to legally possess all of these supreme powers? For the sake of tradition?

The Crown

What exactly is the meaning of the term "The Crown"?

The Crown is defined as executive powers exercised in the name of the monarch. The actual Crown itself, worn by the monarch is a symbol of the queens executive powers.

The parliamentary oaths act of 1866 requires all leaders of 54 commonwealth nations to swear an oath of loyalty to the queen, not to the people who elected them. Those who do not swear allegiance to the queen are deemed unfit for office, including the prime minister, police, military, judges, legislators, lawyers, and public servants. New citizens to the queen's commonwealth nations must also swear allegiance to the queen.

Public land in the queen's colonies like Canada, is called "Crown Land" and includes aboriginal land. Government corporations are called Crown corporations. The central bank of Canada and the Canadian mint are Crown corporations, independent of most government controls.

Canadian warships are called HMCS - Her Majesty's Canadian Ship. And in Australia they are called HMAS – Her Majesty's Australian Ship. Canada's national police force is called the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

All government contracts are between a company or individual and Her Majesty. Court summons are issued in the name of the queen and all public inquiries are called Royal Commissions.

Commonwealth money carries the queen's image, world wide, as a reminder of her authority.

The queen is the lifetime hereditary head of state of Great Britain and her colonies and is un-elected and unaccountable. It is against the law to advocate the abolition of the monarchy.

What is the cost to British tax payers to support the queen and her entourage? The public accounts committee and national audit office are forbidden to examine queen Elizabeth Windsor's family finances. But the civil list payments are reviewed every 10 years. So for the year ended march 2002, the running expenses of the Windsor household were 7.9 million pounds. Family spending 35.3 million. Security 30 million. And the list goes on.

How much is the queen actually worth? The queen's wealth is divided into three categories: Her wealth as the Monarch, her visible personal wealth and her invisible personal wealth.

The queen's wealth as the Monarch includes 54 commonwealth nations world wide. Millions of acres of Crown Land and resources, thousands of Crown corporations and the Corporate City State of London, which is the capitol of world finance.

The queen's visible personal wealth, which was accumulated tax free until 1992, includes Royal Yachts, Rolls Royce's, Race horses, 5 castles, the world's largest collection of jewels, 20,000 old master-pieces and billions in class A shares and blue-chip stocks and bonds, which have been invested and re-invested, over and over again, tax free.

Most of the queen's fortune was inherited from her ancestors' illegal Opium trade with China and the black slave trade. In 1977 the Bank of England nominees was established to hide the queen's personal portfolio of wealth. As the British Monarch, the queen has access to privileged information, state secrets and the world's top financiers. She is immune to accusations of insider trading or conflicts of interest. Her financial portfolio includes Rio Tinto, General Electric, Royal Dutch Shell, British Petroleum, Archer Daniels Midland, and the list goes on.

The queen's accumulation and hoarding of wealth causes dearth and deprivation among her subjects and is in direct contravention of UNIVERSAL LAWS.

The queen's visible millions are but a tiny fraction of her invisible wealth accumulated through the black nobility.


A Tale Of Two Hoodies - a controversial painting by artist/activist Michael D’Antuono.

Inspired by the Trayvon Martin case, this painting symbolizes the travesty of racially profiling innocent children and how present day prejudices affect policy.

Hispanic is not a race its a culture. Zimmerman is white. So is his retired judge father and courthouse working mother. To be an adult in America means 18 years of life Trayvon was never an adult unlike Zimmerman. Now you do the math.


May 7, 2012

What Race of people who hang their lives on the advice of their enemy and follow through with total submission to their enemy, in our case, that enemy is the author and finisher of the institution of religion, that which have Black so call Afrikans believing in that religious book referred to as the Bible, that book which obtain the doctrine about Lucifer the Human Being god, about "his son Jesus" and about the way you must live your life and that such advice is the word of God and you are not to question God, that God being the evil oppressors of Black Afrikan people, in the name of Jesus.

Have you Black people ever notice how Black people love to tell each other to love everybody?

Well everybody do not exclude anybody, which mean that Black people are being advised to love your enemy equally the same way that you claim to love your friend, and Black so call Afrikans spend our lives attempting to follow the advise of those with a history of oppressing Black people, which make such an evil spirit of our oppressor to be an enemy to the life of Black so call Afrikan people, and the advice that say we are to love everybody, is a foolish advice, and it take a foolish people to follow such flawed advice.

Well, I am come to share with you, that in a evil society, to love everybody and hate nobody, is the action displayed by a fool, and a fool think not, the fool just believe in the advice given by the fool enemy, the enemy that is the cause for the status of a fool which the fool occupy in a society that is dominated and controlled by the enemy of Black people, it being a society where life is being advised by those who have proven to be a Racist and practice unjustified prejudice, and is discriminating against Black people, all is such a evil display by those advising Black people in the name of God religion, which is based upon the Racial identity of the Black so call Afrikans.

So, you who now believe that it is religious godly to love everybody and to hate nobody, but with the exception of your Black so call Afrikan self, which we hate decisively so, today. .

To Love Self and your friends, such is a natural spirit you should display, but to hate your enemy is a Divine virtue to be desired, because it show that you are not a fool but is guided by Divine intelligence and it is that quality of intelligence that verify the quality of Mind you are being guided by today.

Who is it that introduced such unnatural advice to the Black world, well I will share with you who it is, it is none other than those who created religion, the doctrine that advise you to love, and to hate not.

Yet it is such advice that only apply to you Black folks and not to the adviser that is giving to you such a commandment in life.

It is the adviser about love and hate that is Black people enemy and that adviser has a history of lying, deceiving, tricking, and oppressing Black people, yet we honor and follow with obedience such a profane mind that is giving to us advice about God, about the Universe, and about the Nature of our Black life, which is why Afrika is as it is today and Black so call Afrikans are a divided Nation today.

In a evil world you can not get back to your Divine Mind not without applying those two emotion which display the spirit of Love and Hate, it is Love that keep you centered to the way you are to Think in life and it is hate that have you to be aware of the cause for your life not being centered today, and by applying the different emotion when your life is in action, it give you to know and understand the cause and the experience from that cause that is giving the effect that your life present condition is experiencing, and it is that Divine reality that should be motivating you to cease from being a fool, and to become involved in the pursuit of your freedom, which will serve as a sign of you being guided by your Divine intelligence and not the foolish profane ignorance that have you to believe it is your obligation to love everybody, including your enemy.

There is no Divine intelligent Black Afrikan who can show a greater good to have come to the life of Black people while in this evil world by following the advice that will have you to love everybody and to hate nobody, such advice is what maintain the status of Black people, you who are today intoxicated with Lucifer religion and is occupied in suppressing the natural response to Nature Law, which is to self preserve and protect your life, when under attact, using any and all methods to do so, because your life is Divine, even though you might have been trained to live it profanely, the evidence of your profane life is that you are following the advice of your oppressors, they who have you believing that Heaven is your soul destination if you just live your life loving everybody and hating nobody, which is a very unnatural act while living in a evil world, controlled by those who are responsible for your life present condition, a life that Black people are living in the world today.

What a pitiful and foolish Black people many of us have become, as we totally submit to the advice being given to us by those in the act of oppressing the lives of Black so call Afrikan people.


Chief Elder


The Mammy stereotype was the main way white Americans looked at black women from the early 1800s to the 1950s. Think of Aunt Jemima, Hattie McDaniel in “Gone with the Wind” (1939) and even Nell Carter in “Gimme a Break” (1981-1987). Regina Taylor in “I’ll Fly Away” (1991-1993) was the anti-Mammy and probably ten times truer to life.

The Mammy pictured female household slaves as:

undesirable, at least to white men,
given enough power to run the household,
happy to serve whites, always smiling and laughing,
perfect straight, white teeth.
This is a complete and utter lie.

The ugly truth is that they were:

thin, because they barely got enough to eat;
young, because only one in ten ever saw age 50;
light-skinned, a daughter of rape;
desirable to white men and therefore raped;
utterly powerless,
extremely unhappy.
And most likely had bad teeth too since the rest of the stereotype is such a lie.

Even after the slaves were freed the Mammy stereotype continued to put a happy face on black women’s lowly position in society, helping to set at ease the hearts of good white people everywhere.

Mammies were so happy to serve whites that in the American films of the early 1900s they are shown giving up riches and even their freedom for the chance to continue serving “their white family” (their own husbands and children be damned, apparently).

Household slaves were not as common as you might think. While slaves working in the field picking cotton made their masters money, slaves working in the house did not.

Black women working in the houses of white people only became common after the slaves were freed. From the 1860s to the 1950s almost the only way for a black woman to make money was to become a maid, cook or washerwoman. A well-to-do white family could afford a black maid who cleaned, cooked and looked after the children.

Since well-to-do whites mainly knew black women as maids, the Mammy stereotype became the main one, especially in Hollywood.

Mammy was so much a part of American life that the very first song ever heard in a film was “My Mammy” by Al Jolson in 1927. You can see her two feet in the old “Tom & Jerry” cartoons.

The most famous Mammy by far was Aunt Jemima. Modelled on Nancy Green, she became the face and name of a just-add-water pancake mix. Green was at the 1893 World’s Exposition in Chicago, making pancakes, singing songs and telling stories of the old South when black people and white people were so happy. She became known across the country. “I’se in town, honey.”

You can still see her on the box. She now has a perm instead of a kerchief to cover her hair, but she still has the Mammy dark skin, perfect white teeth and smile. Happy to serve.


"Black Wall Street" Tulsa, Oklahoma June 1,1921
So determined were whites in Tulsa to wipe out all evidence of Blacks’ prosperity and achievement despite impossible odds, they used airplanes to firebomb Black Wall Street from the air.


Osage Ave burning.


Delbert Africa surrendering to the police. Ramona Africa says that the cop beat Delbert with the helmet he has swung back, and they kicked him with steel toe boots. When the official report was written, it was stated by these two pigs that noone was brutalized. They didn't know they were caught on film by a local tv station until AFTER the reports were submitted.
Nothing happened to the two lying pigs.


May 7, 2012


An African Origin of Philosophy: Myth or Reality?

by Dr. Molefi Kete Asante

(First Published in City Press, July, 2004)

There is a common belief among whites that philosophy originates with the Greeks. The idea is so common that almost all of the books on philosophy start with the Greeks as if the Greeks pre-dated all other people when it came to discussion of concepts of beauty, art, numbers, sculpture, medicine of social organization. In fact, this dogma occupies the principal position in the academies of the Western world, including the universities and academies of Africa. It goes something like this:

Philosophy is the highest discipline.
All other disciplines are derived from philosophy.
Philosophy is the creation of the Greeks.
The Greeks are white,
Therefore, whites are the creators of philosophy.

In the view of this dogma, other people and cultures may contribute thoughts, like the Chinese, Confucius, but thoughts are not philosophy; only the Greeks can contribute philosophy. The African people may have religion and myths, but not philosophy, according to this reasoning. Thus, this notion privileges the Greeks as the originators of philosophy, the highest of the sciences.

There is a serious problem with this line of reasoning. The information is false. As far as scholarship can reveal the origin of the word philosophy is not in the Greek language, although it comes into English from the Greek. According to dictionaries on Greek etymology the origin of the word is unknown. But that is if you are looking for the origin in Europe. Most Europeans who write books on etymology do not consider Zulu, Xhosa, Yoruba, or Amharic, when coming to a conclusion about what is known or unknown. They never think that a term used by a European language may have come from Africa.
There are two parts to the word philosophy as it comes to us from the Greek, “Philo” meaning brother or lover and “Sophia” meaning wisdom or wise. Thus, a philosopher is called a “lover of wisdom.”

The origin of “Sophia” is clearly in the African language, Mdu Ntr, the language of ancient Egypt, where the word “Seba,” meaning “the wise” appears first in 2052 BC in the tomb of Antef I, long before the existence of Greece or Greek. The word became “Sebo” in Coptic and “Sophia” in Greek. As to the philosopher, the lover of wisdom, that is precisely what is meant by “Seba,” the Wise, in ancient tomb writings of the Egyptians.

Diodorus Siculus, the Greek writer, in his On Egypt, written in the first century before Christ, says that many who are “celebrated among the Greeks for intelligence and learning, ventured to Egypt in olden times, that they might partake of the customs, and sample the teachings there. For the priests of Egypt cite from their records in the holy books that in the former times they were visited by Orpheus and Musaeus, Melampos, Daedalos, besides the poet Homer, Lycurgus the Spartan, Solon the Athenian, and Plato the philosopher, Pythagoras of Samos and the mathematician Eudoxos, as well as Democritus of Abdera and Oenopides of Chios, also came there.”

Obviously many Greeks who learned philosophy ventured to Africa to study. They came for many intellectual reasons. One can see that the Greeks appreciated the fact that in Egypt were men and women of great skill and knowledge just as the Egyptians appreciated the fact that there were men and women of greater knowledge in Ethiopia.

According to Herodotus, writing in the 5th Century BC in Book II of History, the Ethiopians said that the Egyptians were nothing but a colony of Ethiopians. Of course, today there remains an entire system of disbelief about the history, experiences, and knowledge of the people of Africa, created during the past five hundred years of European conquest. A rhetoric of denial of Africa’s capability was developed to accompany the dispossession of Africa. This was done to go along with the European conquest of Africa, Asia, and America. Colonization was not just a land issue, it was an issue of colonizing information about the land. Yet I am of the opinion that the ancients knew better than the contemporary pundits about the importance of non-Africans studying in Africa.

There was no Germany, France, England, Italy, United States, or Spain to speak of when the Greeks started to travel to Africa for their studies. Indeed, they went to Africa and after they went back to Greece created the Greek Golden Era. It was not before, but after they had studied in Egypt that these people got some advanced training. What I am saying is that they had to come to Africa and study with the wise men of ancient Egypt, who were black, in order to be able to learn medicine, mathematics, geometry, art, and so forth. This was long before there was any European civilization.

Why did the Greek philosophers study in Africa? Thales, the first Greek philosopher and the first who is recorded to have studied in Africa, says that he learned philosophy from the Egyptians. They studied in Egypt because it was the educational capital of the ancient world. Pythagoras is known to have spent at least twenty two years in Africa. One could get a fairly good education in twenty two years, perhaps even earn a Ph.D.! The Greeks were seeking the philosophical information that the Africans possessed. When Isocrates wrote of his studies in the book Busirus, he said that “I studied philosophy and medicine in Egypt.” He did not study these subjects in Greece in Europe, but in Egypt in Africa.

Not only is the word philosophy not Greek, the practice of philosophy existed long before the Greeks. Imhotep, Ptahhotep, Amenemhat, Merikare, Duauf, Amenhotep, son of Hapu, Akhenaten, and the sage of Khunanup, are just a few of the African philosophers who lived long before there was a Greece or a Greek philosopher.

When the Africans finished building the pyramids in 2500 BC it would be one thousand seven hundred years before Homer, the first Greek writer, appears!

And when he appears and begins to write The Iliad he does not spend much time before he is writing about what happened in Africa or what was happening in Africa. The Greek gods were meeting in Ethiopia. Homer is said to have spent seven years in Africa. What could he have learned in those classes with those wise teachers? He could have learned Law, philosophy, religion, astronomy, literature, politics, and medicine.

Africans did not wait for the Greeks to figure out how to construct the pyramids. Can you see the Egyptians standing around at the stone quarries or on the banks of the Nile in 2500 BC speculating on when some European would come alone and help them measure the earth, calculate width, breadth, and depth, determine the exact helical rising of Serpet (Sirius) and the inundation of the Nile, or diagnose the diseases of the human body.

According to Herodotus, in Histories, Book II, the Colchians were Egyptians “because like the Egyptians they had black skin and wooly hair.” Aristotle says in Physiognomonica that “the Egyptians and Ethiopians are very black.”

Led by the Pharaoh of African History, Cheikh Anta Diop, a new cadre of scholars has emerged to challenge all of the lies that were told about Africa and about Africans. They are the ones who, as the poet Haki Madhubuti says, walk toward fear, not away from it. They are the real standards for courage and commitment.

At a major 1974 conference sponsored by UNESCO on the “Peopling of Egypt” in Cairo, two blacks, Diop and Theophile Obenga, walked toward fear and when they had finished presenting their papers they had shattered all of the lies that were told about Africans. Using science, linguistics, anthropology, and history, these two intellectual giants demonstrated that the ancient Egyptians were black They used a melanin test on the skin of a mummy, art from the walls of tombs, correspondences to other African languages, and the testimonies of the ancients.

It is so interesting to me that the ancient Greeks knew much better than the current crop of Europeans who pontificate on the subject that the ancient Egyptians, long before the coming of the Greeks, Romans, Arabs, and Turks to Egypt, were Africans, indeed, black-skinned Africans.

Aristotle, the philosopher, wrote in his book, Physiognomonica, that “the Ethiopians an Egyptians are very black.” Herodotus adds that the ancient Egyptian had “black skin and wooly hair.”

The color of the ancient Egyptians should not matter; it only comes up because one always finds some white person who is dedicated to the proposition that Africans could not have built the pyramids, and especially not black Africans. Of course, everyone should know that the Egyptians were Africans, but the fact is that they were not just Africans, these particular Egyptians were black skinned with woolly hair.

Philosophy begins first with the black skinned people of the Nile Valley around 2800 BC, that is, 2200 years before the appearance of Thales of Miletus, considered the first Western philosophy. 30,000 years ago our ancestors were separating red ochre from iron in a Swaziland cave. They had to have some idea about what they were doing. There had to be some reflection, some process by which the elders determined what was to be used for what and on what occasion. Thus, even before writing, we have evidence that Africans were engaging in meaningful discussions about the nature of their environment.

Molefi Kete Asante is one of the most published contemporary scholars, having written more than sixty books and three hundred articles.


On May 30, 1921 a young black man named dikk Rowland, stumbled into a white woman, while entering an elevator. He was accused of assault, and arrested the next day. Newly rich from oil Tulsa, was a Ku Klux Klan town. Rowland was sentenced to be hanged. The Tulsa Tribune called for a “Negro lynching tonight.”

The white mob was surprised when they were met by several dozen armed black men, dressed in their World War I uniforms. This led to a racist three day destruction of the black neighborhood of Greenwood. The Red Cross reported 300 mostly dead black people.

Greenwood called “Little Africa,” was a relatively wealthy community. White mobs, many deputized, destroyed every house, store, church or school. The mob met resistance from an armed black population. Governor Robertson declared martial law. The National Guard arrived with machine gun mounted trucks, and airplanes hovering over Greenwood. It was the first time an American city was bombed from the air, by the US government.

Over 6,000 black people, were round up and held in the convention center and fairgrounds, as long as eight days. The homeless were shuttled into a tent city, where typhoid and malnutrition took over. Blacks were allowed out of the convention center, with a tag, with an employers name. Thousands fled the city.

Attempts to turn Greenwood into an industrial zone were unsuccessful. For several years, it was deprived of paved streets, running water, and garbage collection.






May 7, 2012


3rd year in a row, Chicago’s Urban Prep Academy is graduating 100% of seniors and sending them all off to college in the fall. “Nearly half of all black doctors practicing in the U.S. today are graduates of Meharry.”



Because I know my people, I know you must be very careful when you’re critical of President Barrack Obama. Black people get defensive because he’s the first black US president, something that many of us grew up dreaming about; and also because Obama has been the target of vicious lies and racism. I think even many black public figures have a tendency to attack Obama more harshly than they would have attacked a white president with the same policies.

With this being said, let’s look at some facts. He got involved when Skip Gates (Uncle Gates) was arrested, but earlier that year Oscar Grant was murdered and Obama didn’t even publically acknowledge what happened. In fact, Obama has never gotten involved when it was the average young black man being murdered. So why did he care so much when it was Gates who was wrongfully arrested?

It was also the Obama administration that refused to pardon Marcus Garvey. When Obama went to Ghana, he told the Africans to stop blaming colonization (which still goes on, in the form of American corporations exploiting Africa’s recourses and labor) for Africa’s current problems. He then made this statement: “I'm probably as knowledgeable about African history as anybody who's occupied my office.” Seriously think about that statement and what Obama is implying there.

And this is also the same Obama administration that has sent military advisors to Uganda to help fight the LRA, but has failed to acknowledge that the LRA’s human rights record has not been that much worse than that of dictator Yoweri Museveni, who has been a major American ally.

If visiting the monument for the Jewish victims of the holocaust makes Obama realize the importance of defending Israel, why is it going to the slave forts did not have the same impact on him for defending African Americans and African people in general? And why is it Obama is the only president (that I am aware of) who has publically said he is not the president of black America? Sure we have known that no president has represented black America, but none of them went out of their way to say it.

I understand the emotional need to want to support Obama, but let’s also start asking some necessary questions. Before Obama earned the Jewish vote, he had to prove his loyalty to Israel, yet he can distance himself from black America and still get massive support from Africans around the world. We did the same thing with Nelson Mandela in the 1990s. We praised Mandela, like we praise Obama, not for what they have done for us materially, but for what they have done for us psychologically




If England wants peace, if France wants peace, I suggest to them to pack up their bag and baggage and clear out of Africa, because Africa in the future will be to them what Europe has been for the last three hundred years—a hot bed of wars, political intrigues and upheavals,—and Europe has changed many a time politically. Once the great Napoleon ruled, the Czars ruled and but recently the German Eagle was the symbol of fear. Today England stands out as the most brilliant star in the European political constellation. But what of tomorrow? Africa with her threatened upheaval will produce the same conditions in another century as Europe has done in the past. Can we not see that we are marching headlong into the abyss of eternal destruction? Can we not realize that we are not laying the foundation of peace? Can we not realize that we are but provoking the sleeping passions of the races? How long do you believe that four-hundred million Negroes will allow themselves to be exploited by alien races, robbed and murdered? Just so long until the truth is brought home to them, and then when the sleeping giant awakens, even like Samson, he may bring down the pillars of the temple - Marcus Garvey



Neo-imperialism is a deceptive, thieving, world ideology; it uses militaristic invasions to open up new markets for itself.
Poor nations are enslaved by local elites who are nothing more than agents working for imperialist interests.
Africans must reject all imperialist organizations or risk having their economies controlled by Wall Street thieves.
Afrikans must cease to allow thieving multinational corporations to expropriate profits and resources
Afrika people can liberate themselves by revolutionizing the economical spectrum on every single level.
Afrikan citizens must fight against the control that imperialists exercise in their communities.
Consumerism is used by the imperialist corporations to colonize the minds of global citizens
Afrika must avoid any weapon purchases from the filthy arms companies.
Religion is the enemy of the third world; it is used by the imperialists to create a politically numb global populace.
Expose Wall Street CEOs for the incompetent fools that they are.
The liberated soul is fearless; he/she neither fears the capitalists nor their clownish local rulers.



Houston Riot of 1917

The primary cause of the Houston riot was the habitual brutality of the white police officers of Houston in their treatment of colored people. Contributing causes were (1) the mistake made in not arming members of the colored provost guard or military police, (2) lax discipline at Camp Logan which permitted promiscuous visiting at the camp and made drinking and immorality possible among the soldiers. ~ Martha Gruenig, Crisis Magazine, November 1917

The Houston Riot of 1917 was one of the saddest chapters in the history of American race relations. It vividly illustrated the problems that the nation struggled with on the home front during wartime. ~ Texas State Historical Association

On August 23, 1917 soldiers from the all-black 24th Infantry Regiment 3rd Battalion stationed in Houston to guard the construction of Camp Logan, a training facility, marched on the Fourth Ward police station and were met outside the camp by police and armed citizens. Four policemen, four soldiers and 12 civilians were killed in the confrontation, and 19 soldiers were eventually executed. No white soldiers or Houston residents were charged with any crimes.

Around noon that day, police dragged an African American woman from her home and arrested her for public drunkenness. A soldier from the camp asked what was going on, and was beaten and arrested as well. When Cpl. Charles Baltimore, an MP, learned of the arrest he went to the police station to investigate. He was beaten, then shot at as he was chased away. Rumors soon reached the camp that Baltimore had been killed, and that a white mob was approaching. Soldiers armed themselves and began their march toward the city.

Martial law was declared the next day, and two days later the African American soldiers were sent back to New Mexico where they had been previously stationed. A series of three court-martials were held from November 1917 through March 1918, with seven soldiers testifying in exchange for clemency. The trials were held in San Antonio with no publicity or review from the U. S. War Department, and the first executions were carried out with two day's notice and only a few officers present.

The New York chapter of the NAACP petitioned President Wilson for clemency. The War Department had issued a ruling that "all death sentences be suspended until the President of the United States could review all records". Wilson commuted the sentences of ten of the eleven soldiers sentenced at the third court-martial, sentencing them to life in prison.


May 7, 2012

Nanny of the Maroons (c 1686- c 1740)

Nanny was born c. 1686 in Ghana, Western Africa, into the Ashanti tribe, and was brought to Jamaica as a slave. It is believed that some of her family members were involved in intertribal conflict and her village was captured. Nanny and several relatives were sold as slaves and sent to Jamaica. Upon arrival in Jamaica, Nanny was likely sold to a plantation in Saint Thomas Parish, just outside of the Port Royal area. Such plantations grew sugarcane as the main crop, and the slaves toiled under extremely harsh conditions.
As a child, Nanny was influenced by other slave leaders and maroons. She and her brothers, Accompong, Cudjoe, Johnny and Quao ran away from their plantation and hid in the Blue Mountains area of northern Saint Thomas Parish. While in hiding, they split up to organize more Maroon communities across Jamaica: Cudjoe went to Saint James Parish and organized a village, which was later named Cudjoe Town; Accompong settled in Saint Elizabeth Parish, in a community known as Accompong Town; Nanny and Quao founded communities in Portland Parish. She was married to a Maroon named Adou, but had no children. Nanny and her brothers became folk heroes. The most famous of her brothers, Cudjoe, went on to lead several slave rebellions in Jamaica with the aid of her other brothers. By 1720, Nanny and Quao had settled and controlled an area in the Blue Mountains. It was given the name Nanny Town, and consisted of the 500 acres (2.4 km²) of land granted to the runaway slaves. Nanny Town had a strategic location as it overlooked Stony River via a 900 foot (270 m) ridge making a surprise attack by the British practically impossible. The Maroons at Nanny Town also organized look-outs for such an attack as well as designated warriors who could be summoned by the sound of a horn called an Abeng. Maroons at Nanny Town and similar communities survived by sending traders to the nearby market towns to exchange food for weapons and cloth. The community raised animals, hunted, and grew crops, and was organized very much like a typical Ashanti tribe in Africa. The Maroons were also known for raiding plantations for weapons and food, burning the plantations, and leading slaves back to their communities. Nanny was very adept at organizing plans to free slaves. For over 30 years, Nanny freed more than 800 slaves, and helped them to resettle in the Maroon community. Around 1728, Queen Nanny emerged as the primary general, leader, and obeah woman of the Windward Maroons, shortly after the Maroons signed a peace treaty with the British.
The government of Jamaica declared Queen Nanny a National Heroine in 1975 and a Memorial was erected. Her portrait is on the 500 Jamaican dollar bill.


Knowing who you were before the middle passages is what will strengthen you to help change the course of history...




The Haiti they don't show on the news


Time to Invade, the U.S. Military Seeking Deployment in as many as 35 African Countries in 2013

While the mainstream media remains empty-gutted about the upcoming “fiscal cliff”, it seems the military, U.S. officials and defense contractors are rather lax about the thought of an economic collapse; even though these operations will probably cost the American public tens of millions, it’s a risk worth taking when a profit is being received on the other end.

Time to Invade, the U.S. Military Seeking Deployment in as many as 35 African Countries in 2013 | Spread Liberty News

Why the hurry to send US troops into 35 African countries? According to a DHS Insider as well as a word from the Lord to Pastor Hale recently, Obama is planning to make some moves right after the inauguration. According Doug Hagman’s DHS source they are planning to accelerate the economic collapse and also to move ahead quickly with gun confiscation prior to a martial law scenario. We can only imagine that they have profiled all the troops and are shipping all suspected patriots over seas!

Troops Shipping Out Before Gun Grab? | _



May 7, 2012

On December 19th, the black Brazilian and Diasporic African struggle lost a great warrior: Thereza Santos. Most won't know her because she was Brazilian. But this woman created theater pieces about the black Brazilian situation, was exiled during Brazil's brutal dictatorship, fought for African liberation with Amilcar Cabral and wrote trailblazing works on the place of black women in Brazil. In the spirit of Fannie Lou Hammer, Assata Shakur and Angela Davis, please add this woman to your list of important black women. Read her story here: Black Women of Brazil: In memoriam: Thereza Santos (1930-2012) - The life of a warrior




School is really important: Reading, writing, arithmetic. But what they tend to do is teach you reading, writing, arithmetic… then teach you reading, writing, arithmetic again. Then again, then again, just making it harder and harder just to keep you busy. And that’s where I think they messed up. There should be a class on drugs. There should be a class on sex education. No, REAL sex education class, not just pictures and illogical terms…There should be a class on scams, there should be a class on religious cults, there should be a class on police brutality, there should be a class on apartheid, there should be a class on racism in America, there should be a class on why people are hungry, but there not, their class is on…gym….Their class is like Algebra. we have yet to go a store and said, “Can I have X Y + 2 and give me my Y change back, thank you.” You know?…Like foreign languages. I think that they are important, but I don’t think it should be required. Actually, they should be teaching you English, and then teach you how to understand double talk, politician’s double talk. Not teaching you how to understand French and Spanish and GERMAN. When am I going to Germany? I can’t afford to pay my rent in America! How am I going to Germany? — Tupac, Age 17 On the Topic of Education, 1988.


Neck Stretching/Culture Assimilation

Long Neck Tribes

Although women of the Ndebele tribe of South Africa once wore brass and copper rings ("iindzila") around their necks, they no longer commonly do so. However, many African tribes still wear various types of rings and beads around their necks that can give the appearance of stretching the neck. In many African cultures, the amount of beads worn is a measure of wealth and social status. In addition, wearing neck ornaments and beads is thought to give one strong ritual power, in addition to enhancing the women’s esthetics and beauty. Presently, the Kayan (Karen) tribe from Burma and Thailand use a series of rings to give the appearance of neck stretching. The appearance of neck stretching is mostly an illusion, as the neck rings act to displace the collar bones and ribs. Although various tribes traditionally used neck stretching for cultural reasons, presently many individuals wear neck rings for tourism rather than as a native ritual. Interestingly, the explorer Marco Polo was the first Westerner to observe neck stretching during his 14th century journey to the East. African neck stretching is just one form of body sculpting. Another example is cranial shaping, in which the shape of the head is elongated and made more conical or alternatively, flattened and made wider. Cranial deformation was widely practiced in various American tribes, including the Pueblo Indians and the Incas. Unlike cranial shaping, African neck stretching is reversible and once the neck rings are removed, the neck and body returns to its natural form.


The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.

Are we still falling for the hype?



Black Panther party launched the Free Breakfast for Children Program. Their motto was &#8220;Serve the People, Body and Soul.&#8221;
Why have we stopped serving our community? What will it take to bring unity and awarness? We should continue to keep the motto going in the 21st century lets continue to "Serve the people, Body and Soul"! 2013 is near, time to work!~G.H


For those who believe in G.O.D. Know thy meaning...



Science book, 1884
This is what people were taught back then...but what do we think/know Now? How long are we going to allow ourselves to be "crowded out"?


May 7, 2012

university of makerere launches their fully ugandan made electric car, now available by order



Alprentice "Buncy" Carter Bunchy" was an African born in American who was killed on January 17, 1969. He is celebrated by his supporters as a martyr in the Black Power movement in the United States.

In early 1968 Carter formed the Southern California chapter of the Black Panthers and became a leader in the group. Like all Black Panther chapters, the Southern California chapter studied politics, read BPP literature, and received training in firearms and first aid. They also began the "Free Breakfast for Children" program which provided meals to the poor in the community. The chapter was very successful, gaining 50&#8211;100 new members each week by April 1968. Notable members included Elaine Brown, and Geronimo Pratt.

Jayne Cortez went to John C. Fremont High School in Los Angeles. Fremont also produced Charles Burnett, Don Cherry, and Alprentice "Buncy" Carter also attended Fremont.


The way to change the world is to change people's minds. As more and more people openly discuss the fact that "God" is completely imaginary, the world becomes a better place. The people who believe in "religion" look sillier and sillier. Eventually, religion becomes a fringe activity that is meaningless. Here's were your 10 Commandments stolen from.. We have the fact that all of the gods of the past truly were imaginary. We all know with certainty that the Egyptian gods, the Roman gods and the Aztec gods were completely fictitious. Otherwise we would not have started to worship Jesus. We would be worshiping Ra or Zeus rather than Jesus if Ra or Zeus were real.


You could always deny who you are; your background, the level of oppression you've faced in your lifetime, and even your ethnicity; inflate your standing in the public eye, your successes, your status, your level of colorblindness, and your honorable position of rising above the hate. But Officer Miles is about to bring your Black ass back to reality.



"Imperialism leaves behind germs of rot which we must clinically detect and remove from our land but from our minds as well.&#8221; &#8213; Frantz Fanon




May 7, 2012

The black masses reject the Uncle Tom approach of the Negro leadership that has been handpicked by the white man. These Uncle Tom leaders don&#8217;t speak for the Negro majority, they don&#8217;t speak for the black masses. They speak for the black bourgeoisie, the brainwashed white minded, middle class minority. Who are ashamed of black and don&#8217;t want to be identified with the black masses --- Malcolm X (from his speech called, God&#8217;s Judgment of White America)



Chinese Scientist Proves The First Inhabitants Of China Were Black!

Out Of Africa
Copyright 2012 VVeasey Publishing


For many years Black historians and Afrocentrists have said that the first inhabitants of China were black Africans.

"The first inhabitants of China seem also to have been the Negritos. Unmixed Negroes with no connection with Africa still live in Southern China"

(J.A. Rogers, Sex And Race, Volume 1)

The Negroid races peopled at some time all the South of India, Indo-China and China. The South of Indo-China actually has now pure Negritos as the Semangs and mixed as the Malays and the Sakais."

( H. Imbert, "Les Negritos de la Chine").

&#8220;Even the sacred Manchu dynasty shows this Negro strain. The lower part of the face of the Emperor Pu-yi of Manchukuo, direct descendant of the Manchu rulers of China, is most distinctly Negroid. Chinese chroniclers report that a Negro Empire existed in the South of China at the dawn of that country's history.

( Professor Chang Hsing-Lang , "The importation of Negro Slaves to China under the Tang Dynasty A.D. 618-907)

&#8220;There is evidence of substantial populations of Blacks in early China. Archaeological studies have located a black substratum in the earliest periods of Chinese history, and reports of major kingdom ruled by Blacks are frequently in Chinese documents."

(Kwang-Chih Chang, The Archaeology of Ancient China, (Yale University Press) and Irwin Graham, Africans Abroad (Columbia University Press).

But after hundreds of years of the worldwide spread of the doctrine of white superiority and the inferiority of black Africans and their descendants. This notion was poo, pooed by white scientists and others and even by some blacks.

But in 2005, a Chinese DNA specialist, Jin Li, leading a team of Chinese and other scientists, proved through DNA tests that indeed the first inhabitants of China were black Africans.

Li said he was trying to prove that the Chinese evolved from homo erectus independently of all other humans. He collected DNA samples from 165 different ethnic groups and over 12000 samples in China and Asia to test his theory.

Li said he was taught through China&#8217;s education system that there was something special about Chinese. And because he was Chinese, he was hoping to prove that the Chinese developed independently of all other humans.

But surprise, surprise, surprise, surprise!

Li&#8217;s team focused on a single genetic marker that appeared about 80,000 years ago in Africa. Anyone carrying that marker would have recent African ancestors and could not be descended from the more ancient Homo Erectus.

Li and his team found that early humans belonged to different species but modern humans descended from the East Africans species.

Li Hui, a scientist on Li&#8217;s team, said, that 100,000 years ago groups of humans started leaving Africa moving through South and Southeast Asia into China, and that 65 branches of the Chinese groups studied carry similar DNA mutations as the people of Southeast Asia.

Jin Li said &#8220;we did not see even one single individual that could be considered as a descendant of the homo erectus in China, rather, everybody was a descendant of our ancestors from Africa."

Li was asked how he as a Chinese felt about what he found.

He said &#8220;after I saw the evidence generated in my laboratory. I think we should all be happy with that. Because after all, modern humans from different parts of the world are not so different from each other and we are very close relatives.&#8221; (Amen Brother!)

Li&#8217;s team was composed of an international group of scientist from China, Russia, India, Brazil and other nations. This was a 5 year project to study the geographic and genealogical routes tracing the spread and settlements of ancient and modern humans.

Now I know there are still many people and probably some of you reading this hub who would be horrified, upset, disgusted, in disbelief etc, etc, if you found that you had any genetic connection to a black person.

And I can feel your pain, because at one time in American history, as a result of all of the negative racial propaganda published about blacks to justify slavery for 400 years.

Many black people didn't want to be black either.

Right up until the civil rights movement, the "I'm black and I'm proud" and the "Black Is Beautiful" movements.

Many black Americans were happy to tout that they were part Indian. part white or part any other ethnic group other than just being only black.

Many black men and women straighten their hair and used skin lighting creams to make themselves look more white than black.

This is understandable, because all of the movies stars and other esteemed images of Americans were white and mostly all of the images of black Americans were ugly, buffoonish and how shall we say it, aesthetically not pleasing.

But the DNA is the DNA and that shows that all modern human orginated in some part of the African continent.

Believe It Or Not

Or read em and weep

"If you get to the stage where you can persuade people on the evidence, that it's solid, that we are all African, that color is superficial, that stages of development of culture are all interactive, then I think we have a chance of a world that will respond better to global challenges." Richard Leaky, Paleoanthropologist

Chinese Scientist Proves The First Inhabitants Of China Were Black!


One isn't necessarily born with courage, but one is born with potential... Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency, we can't be kind, true, merciful, generous or honest...
~Maya Angelou~


Scholarly perspectives on the mixed race experience.

White Supremacy is an historically based, institutionally perpetuated system of exploitation and oppression of continents, nations, and peoples classified as &#8220;non-White&#8221; by continents, nations, and peoples who, by virtue of their white (light) skin pigmentation and/or ancestral origin from Europe, classify themselves as &#8220;White.&#8221; Although history illuminates the fabrication, changeability, and contingencies of Whiteness (e.g. the case of Irish and Italians once being denied entry into the White &#8220;race&#8221;), it is important to note that this global power system is structured and maintained not for the purpose of legitimizing racial categories as much as it is for the purpose of maintaining and defending a system of wealth, power, and privilege. Thus, it has been Whites who have constructed racial categories based on the economic, political, and social aspirations of Whites, for the benefits of Whites (L. Ross, 1995). In this way, Whites define who is White; a definition that has changed and will likely continue to change based upon the particular economic, political, and social conditions of the moment (e.g. the case of Egyptians now being classified as White when they were once classified as Arab, and previously as Black). It is clear then that White supremacy is based less on racial Whiteness (as evidenced by skin color) than it is on ideological Whiteness&#8212;the exclusive value assigned that involves &#8220;a series of immunities, privileges, rights, and assumptions&#8230;&#8221; This [value is] not inherent, natural, or biologically determined. Rather [it reflects] artificial beliefs created by social, economic, and political conditions&#8221; (L. Ross, 1995).

Yaba Amgborale Blay, &#8220;Skin Bleaching and Global White Supremacy: By Way of Introduction,&#8221; The Journal of Pan African Studies, (Volume 4, Number 4, June 2011): 6-7.



White Privilege is the fact we call it white privilege instead of &#8220;The oppression of people of colour&#8221;.


Photos like this are being spread across the internet lately, and they are dangerous for a few reasons. If you&#8217;re too lazy to read below; basically ignorant Americans are blaming other people, governments, and religions for problems their own nation caused.

First, here is a history lesson on Afghanistan. From 1933 until 1973, Afghanistan was ruled under a man named Mohammed Zahir Shah. While he was a devout Muslim, he had a Western education in France. His reign marked four decades of peace and stability. With the introduction of a constitution Afghanistan progressively developed into a modern democratic state with free elections and a parliament, as well as a massive push for women&#8217;s rights, universal suffrage, education, worker&#8217;s rights, and civil rights. So yes, Afghanistan was doing well in the 60&#8217;s as this photo suggests. However, the photo doesn&#8217;t give you context for what went wrong.

During this period in time the Soviet Union had a strong influence in Afghanistan. They supported modernization and education in the Afghan state. The United States, not wanting to risk their hegemony in the region, clearly had a major problem with this. They were terrified of the spread of Communism and quickly developed a plan. Afghanistan would become the Cold War&#8217;s chessboard. In the late 80&#8217;s, the Saudis, Pakistanis, and the Americans brought in radical Islamists from around the world. They armed, trained, and directed them into a militant force, and they were called the mujahideen. They became the US&#8217; main offense against the Soviets. It wasn&#8217;t to defend the Afghans against the Soviets who were ready to pull out, but to deliver as much harm against them imaginable. Carter wanted Afghanistan to be the Soviet&#8217;s &#8220;Vietnam&#8221;. And it was. When they finally retreated Afghanistan spun into chaos and a civil war ensued under the militant mujahideen warriors. Within this framework we saw the rise of the Taliban and Al Qaeda, and of course Osama bin Laden. All under the auspices of the United States security forces and American tax-payer monies. Clinton&#8217;s bombing of Sudan and Afghanistan was directly responsible for their rise. Oh, and then in what was most likely the greatest immoral injustice of the 21st century the United States invaded Afghanistan in 2001 only further driving the besieged nation further into turmoil.

What does this mean? The mujahideen, the Taliban, and Al Qaeda do not represent thousands of years of Afghan culture and Islam. They are a direct reaction to Western imperialism. The root cause for the disparity between the two pictures is foreign intervention. Not Islam, and certainly not Arabs.
Second, here is a history on Iran. Before 1953, Iran was ruled under a democratically elected man called Mohammad Mosaddegh. Under his reign Iran saw a progressive movement of social and political reforms. During this time Britain tried to establish an oil company (British Petroleum) on Iranian soil, and promised to share profit and technology with the Iranian government. However the British, as usual, didn&#8217;t honor their agreement. They, and the United States, began to steal Iran&#8217;s oil. Prime Minister Mosaddegh would not stand for this and demanded the seizure of the oil fields and the ouster of the British. In response, the British and the United States overthrew him in a coup and installed the Shah who was a brutal tyrant and ruled the nation under an absolute monarchy. The women in this picture did live well, but that was because they were members of a very small minority and in the Shah&#8217;s social circle. Everyone else in Iran lived under harsh conditions. The economy was failing, education was abysmal, and the entire nation was rural and very religious.

Today, Iran&#8217;s health care is better. They have more political freedom. Education is improving, and the country is slowly globalizing. The economy is slightly better off, however that is quickly changing with the Western world&#8217;s sanctions against Iran in midst of their nuclear propaganda campaign at the behest of Israel.
What does this mean? Essentially, the Islamic Revolution had little to do with the rise of an Islamic state; rather the resistance of Western imperialism. Almost every social and political group was united in resisting the Shah, from the communists to the secularists to the Islamists. They demanded Iranian sovereignty and political freedoms. Is the current regime in Iran perfect? Absolutely not, and I&#8217;m passionately against it. But this picture is extremely distortive of the truth.

Unfortunately, we have gone full circle. Today, the United States is supporting terrorist cells in Iran in an attempt to oust the current Iranian regime. They want to establish another pro-Western government like the Shah and &#8220;try again&#8221; where they failed. They have been doing this for decades and it hasn&#8217;t been working well. That is why we are now seeing media hysteria against Iran, and their false quest to achieve nuclear power and bomb Israel. Iran is a peaceful nation, and always has been. They have never attacked another nation, and have absolutely no intention of attacking Israel or anyone else for that matter. The United States&#8217; war against Iran is rooted solely to seek revenge for their failed foreign policy in the 70&#8217;s and to once again take control of their natural resources.

In conclusion, if you think you can understand decades of history in the Middle East, or anywhere for that matter, by looking at a photograph you are a fu*king idiot who has no right to engage in intellectual discussion or give your opinion on anything other than what you watched on Nick Minaj last night.


May 7, 2012

Remember; &#8220;It takes a whole village to raise a child.&#8221;



146,000 African American children are reported missing each year. The Euro Western media says that &#8216;minority missing stories are not newsworthy&#8217;.

We have to stop looking at media that tells us that stories of our disappeared are not relevant.

if you look at the statistics (page 9), http://us.missingkids.com/en_US/documents/nismart2_overview.pdf there&#8217;s Race and ethnicity in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia disproportionately more children of color who are reported missing than white children.

65% of kids missing are white compared to 72% white in the general population
16% of kids missing are Black compared to 13% Black in the general population
18% of kids missing are Hispanic/Latino compared to 15% Hispanic/Latino in the general population
These may seem like small differences, but when you consider the fact that the majority of youth and "http://www.pewhispanic.org/2008/02/11/us-population-projections-2005-2050/ projected population growth" in the United States is non-white, it&#8217;s clear that this disproportionately affects white people less and PoC more.



Respect!! No assimilation, African culture first!!


Tell me..... What is the difference?


What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore&#8212;
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over&#8212;
like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.
Or does it explode? - Langston Hughes


"Forgotten Rebellion: Black Seminoles and the Largest Slave Revolt in U.S. History"

"The story of John Horse and the Black Seminoles has been largely untold, but they deserve to be remembered for a number of reasons:

- They created the largest haven in the U.S. South for runaway slaves.
- They led the largest slave revolt in U.S. history.
- They secured the only emancipation of rebellious slaves prior to the U.S. Civil War.
- The formed the largest mass exodus of slaves across the United States and, ultimately, to Mexico.

Learn more about this remarkable story that has been overlooked by Hollywood, popular culture, and even historians. This group of freedom fighters&#8212;who ultimately found peace, liberty, and prosperity&#8212;is worth remembering."

Watch more videos: LearnLiberty | Learn about the ideas of a free society


May 7, 2012




&#8220;We had to learn that we&#8217;re beautiful. We had to relearn something forcefully taken from us. We had to learn about Black power. People have power if we unite. We learned the importance of coming together and being active. &#8221; &#8212; Assata Shakur

These are sum of lil things we Invented but there's more.... "Like Sky Scrappers, Boats and e.t.c."



&#8220;We(Black People)are serious about everything that is silly, and silly about everything that is serious. - Neely Fuller Jr.&#8221;


The destruction of black families can be traced back as early as 4000 years ago in the East

What is now called India there existed Black civilizations the Mohenjo Dara and Harrapa civilizations amongst others were highly developed devoid of warfare spiritually based until their attack by Aryan whites from the North.

The people have been under constant attack since that time having been pushed off their land to the South of India demonized by the Hindu religion that preaches hate of black peoples and deifies whites in the scriptures.

When the Colonizers invaded they systematically killed off most of the men and stole the women as slaves for themselves and used the girls as slaves sexually and domestically this is the origin of the pushing the black man out of the black family the forcing of the black woman to attend to the Colonizers males wants and the exploitation of black children. This style of destruction was employed for thousands of years by Colonizers against Afrikan peoples and to this day it is still being used.

We must deal with the crimes against our people that go back thousands of years to defeat the enemies of our people. Else we will continue to be huckstered into thinking this behavior began in the sixties.

We must reinstill the warrior aspect of our beings into our black boys lives at the earliest age and continue it for their lifetime else this unguided aspect of our being will continue to self inflict our people ignoring our enemy.

Doing Intelligence and Spiritual readings is key to determining the purpose of each childs coming into this world enabling community to make this purpose be realized.

Im with Shaka Zulu who said never let your enemy live else they will return to fly at your neck we gotta annihilate that which hates us

Justice gotta be served up for peace order harmony balance to take root


Black Power

Baba Yaw


The Forgotten Holocaust:

The Eastern Slave Trade

The Arab Slave Trade is the longest yet least discussed of the two major trades. It begins in the 7th century AD as Arabs and other Asians poured into Northern and Eastern Africa under the banner of Islam, either converting or subjugating the African societies they came upon. In the beginning there was some level of mutual respect between the Blacks and the more Caucasian-Semitic Arabs. Mihdja, a Black man, is said to be the first Muslim killed in battle while another, Bilal, is regarded as a "third of the faith." Dhu'l-Nun al-Misri, born in Upper Egypt near Sudan, is regarded as the founder of Sufism. Today Sufism's greatest stronghold is in Southern Egypt and Sudan. Islamic prosperity was based upon Black as well as Arabic genius.

The children of a stinking Nubian black---God put no light in their complexion! - Arab Poet, late 600AD,

But as Islamic prosperity grew, so did an air of hostility towards many Blacks, Muslims or otherwise. Some Arabs complained about having to work next to Blacks in high positions. After the Prophet's death, even the descendants of Bilal received negative treatment. Arabic writings became laced with anti-Black sentiment. This reaction of Blacks at the time to this can be seen in the writings of a contemporary 9th Century Black scholar in residence at Baghdad by the name of Abu 'Uthman' Amr Ibn Bahr Al-Jahiz. Al-Jahiz, to confront a growing tide of anti-black sentiment in the Muslim world, published a highly controversial work at the time titled, Kitab Fakhr As-Sudan 'Ala Al-Bidan, "The Book of Glory of the Blacks over the Whites." Al-Jahiz in his work contended that even the Prophet Mohammad's father may have been of African lineage.

These new attitudes towards Blacks by Arabs marked the beginning of African enslavement. Though not based solely on race, the Arab Slave Trade did focus heavily upon Africans whom Arabs now saw as inferior to themselves. At first these Arabs raided African villages themselves seeking humans for sale. This not being always successful, they soon enlisted the aid of fellow African Muslims or recently converted Blacks. Wrapping themselves within Islam, these converts rationalized the slavery of their non Muslim brethren as the selling of "unbelievers." At other times the Arabs would demand tribute in the form of human bodies from Africans weary of the fight against Arabic-Islamic incursions.

The Arabs took advantage of regional wars in Africa to buy captives from the victor. They also used the old divide-and-conquer technique. They worked one group against the other and took or killed the best and strongest.

S.E. Anderson, The Black Holocaust for Beginners

Slave Raids and Markets

The Arab slavers raided at nightfall, during the dinner time. Africans who resisted or tried to run were shot and killed. Most adult men were killed as the Arabs favored women and children for sale. The captives then endured a long and torturous march through the African countryside as the slavers searched and gathered more captives. Young men, women, and children were bound by hand and by neck throughout this journey, enduring beatings and rapes along the way. Those who fell sick or dead were left behind. Others remained bound to living captives.

After surviving the torturous ride aboard the Arab slave ships, Africans were taken to the slave markets. Here Muslim men would inspect their intended purchases. Women and young girls were degradingly probed by these men in public or private stalls to test their sexual worth. Those that did not survive their time in these markets were left out to rot. It is said that that hyenas, very numerous in the region, "gorged themselves on human flesh..." Pictured here is a slave market in East Africa.

Concubines and Eunuchs

Pictured here is an African trader (possibly an Egyptian)with two Sudanese slave girls for sale. The African is a Muslim while the girls are not. The Eastern Slave Trade dealt primarily with African women: a ratio of two women for each man. These women and young girls were used by Arabs and other Asians as concubines. Filling the harems of wealthy Arabs, they often bore them a host of children. This sexual abuse of African women would continue for nearly 1200 years.

The Eastern Slave Trade also dealt in the sale of castrated male slaves: Aghas or eunuchs. Used as guards and tutors, these slaves were central to familial peace, protection and order in many wealthy Muslim households. Eunuchs were created by completely amputating the scrotum and penis of 8-to-12-year-old African boys. Hundreds of thousands of young boys may have been subjected to this genital mutilation. Many bled to death during the gory procedure. The survival rate of this process ranged from 1 in 10 to 1 in 30.

Holocaust: The Numbers

Due to the enormous length of the Arab Slave Trade, from 700 to 1911AD, it is impossible to be certain of the numbers of Africans sold in this system. Estimates place the numbers somewhere around 14 million: at least 9.6 million African women and 4.4 African men.

It has been estimated that in all, at least 14 to 20 MILLION African men, women and children died throughout this trade. (Photos and Information courtesy of The Black Holocaust for Beginners by SE Anderson, A Pictorial History of the Slave Trade, Slave Trade of Eastern Africa by Beachy, Slavery in the Arab World by Gordon Murray and Africa in History by Basil Davidson)


Dr. Frances Cress Welsing

Standards and codes to convert self hatred into self respect:

1. Stop name calling one another

2. Stop cursing at one another

3. Stop squabbling with one another

4. Stop gossiping about one another

5. Stop snitching on one another

6. Stop being discourteous and disrespectful towards one another

7. Stop robbing one another

8. Stop fighting one another

9. Stop killing one another

10.Stop stealing from one another

11.Stop using and selling drugs to one another

12.Stop throwing trash and dirt on the streets and places where Black people live, work, and learn

All of these malevolent behaviors are manifestations of the local,national, and global system of white supremacy/racism.