Native women in South America are known for being homely regardless of being poor or not. 99% of the people being thirsted after are like the previous poster said, mulato, mestizo or just plain white. That's including Peruvians and Bolivians. South Americans themselves will tell you this.
Hispanic means Spanish speaking. Latino is a very vague term but technically it means anyone from a place speaking a language derived from Latin. In practice, it only relates to Spanish and Portuguese speakers. Spainards or Portuguese certainly don't consider themselves "Latino" and I don't thin Brazilians really relate to it either. Latino is basically a term borne out of confusion where many people from Spanish speaking countries are racially ambiguous and or don't separate themselves along racial lines.
That itself a problem because Latino is mean to represent "racially ambiguous" and close to Caucasian or fully Caucasian Latinos. Black Latinos had to add the Afro in front of the word because they have always been marginalized in their countries and no one in the U.S. will believe they as Latino until they start speaking Spanish. Notice how there is Afro-Latino but no Caucasian-Latino.