It’s the role this wiggy b*stard was born to play. He’s got the evil, petulant bend of a Hell’s Angel cross-eyed drunk off Wild Turkey and looking for a minority to rough up. If the E were interested in making some cash they’d load Orton up on amyls and turn him loose in the overrun. Sure, most of the divas and some lumpy waterheads in the audience will complain once he gets really cranked up but it’s the price of doing business. Nixon’s personality disorder got him into the White House. Who knows where Orton’s disorder will take him.
orton is the worst repackaged micahel cole's big lil brother news correspondent from rnn segment. he is not a badass.
the shyt is not believeable whatsoever.
he has no disorder, he is not scary, he is not edgy.
his father was scary in a racist clansmen way,..
orton, the son is the coddled scared to fight son of the racist angle having ace orton.
that pales in comparison to his father in every capacity.
plus, needed daddy's connections to get somewhere.
that cuddled up to cripple ache like sheamus, before sheamus.
his rendition of the diamond cutter finisher is shane o'mac does the stunna all wrong levels of bad.
to his unbelieveably awful moveset, execution, non-existant selling and ring mannerisms.
dude is huff as fukk.
art barr