Are you seriously comparing a job to a man getting randomly selected to hit a half court shotfor 75gs before taxes? Really?
Anti-tax sentiment is interesting to me when it's thoughtful, but most of the timr it's fukking childish, as in the logic of a 7 year old.
I wish I could keep all my money too. But I also enjoy taking public highways, walking through public parks, and sitting on public libraries once in a while. What is this incredibly retarded tax-free utopia in which we've earned earned earned and we keep keep keep and the society functions better because everyone gets what they deserve?
And how in the fukking world is a man who won 55 thousand a sympathetic figure? I guess the NBA teams could just be honest in advertising their promos and say A FAN WILL HAVE A CHANCE AT 55 Gs AFTER TAXES! I'm sure people wouldn't bother attempting the half court shot then, as a protest of how unfair the opportunity is.