At this point Higher Learning can in no way be compared to KTL.....I think the great Sohh Schism that occurred a few weeks ago, has created a "dual postership" among many, where folks still maintain access to both sites (well the ones that we're able to make it to sohh anyway), but may not respond or want to create duplicate threads on both sites. So a lot of the momentum has passed over sohh in general has literally been vacuumed out of the KTL subforum. Unfortunately, as interesting and intensive as the dialogue was on KTL got, it seems in comparison to the other subforums, it was more of an afterthought to most forumers on Sohh, at least as far as responses to threads was concerned. Although it was a lively subforum, the only time you would get a MASSIVE amount of people coming to KTL was to respond was in MAJOR or PROLONGED news stories.....OBL being taken to the Indian Ocean or a Trayvon Martin or NY state approves gay marriage or something like that........even more interesting is the fact that since EasternProvinceGirl left, there is almost no females responding in that subforum, much the same here....though overall number offemales has something to do with that.
With that said, Higher Learning has promise, but I'm already seeing very little conversation up here, and although compared to the other sub forums on sohh, KTL was slow, it still was putting out fresh threads everyday, and your thread would be gone from the first page in two days if it wasn't a hot topic.....I'm seeing the same threads up here from weeks ago, but barely any responses....
Basically, KTL was off the chains in a good way......Higher Learning has only been around for a month.....NO COMPARISON...........its a freakin encyclopedia, better yet a "posterpedia" on KTL..... over there.....but Higher Learning has promise, just in its infancy.....probably all the accessible adult features in JBO has folks minds on something else.......