That's probably because you embody an amalgamation of scientific illiteracy, conspiratorial bullshyt, new age quackery, scatterbrained, incoherent political philosophy, naive adherence to anything "alternative," youtube miseducation, smartdumb niggology, disingenuous, piss-poor argumentation, eschewing of any and all academic standards, empty rambling just for the sake of empty rambling, the absence of logic, and general intellectual laziness in a more strident, self-convinced way than anyone else.
victoria typing yet another paragraph about his HL man crushes

and if my arguments are so non-sensical they should be easy to refute right? so on that note i invite you, or any member of the pseudo-skeptic coalition to challenge any one of my beliefs on the fed, fluoride, or any other subject you're feeling frogfish about.
but you won't, because you can't. you'll end up contradicting yourself and making shyt up to fit your argument like ya boy funkdoc.
truth be told, i doubt you or your crew even knows what my real arguments are. you're just lumping me in with "conspiracy theorists" out of convenience and because you're intellectually lazy.
in fact if you or proletariat can tell me what my argument was in the fluoride thread without looking through the thread ill log off and never post in HL again.
but i know you can't…. because you're a tribe of idiots blinded by your own limited beliefs.
so kick rocks

and stop mentioning me in threads if you can't go toe-to-toe cause that's some p*ssy shyt