Discord - Group Chat That’s All Fun & Games
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1. What makes a man a man? In other words, what differentiates a man from a boy, a man from a woman...basically.. a man from anything other than a man?
2. What is your idea of effective leadership? There are many leadership styles...what style would you use if in a leadership position and which one would you be most likely to be willing to follow if someone else was in a leadership position? Do they differ? Is that inherent to being a man or would you be willing to follow a woman?
3. Generational issues. Would the country be better off if there was a mandatory retirement age and not an optional one? Have the boomers done the country a disservice by not grooming leaders properly and then bowing out gracefully? To what degree is this selfishness okay?
4. Should health care be a right? Should housing be a right? Should there be UBI? To what degree does providing additional rights and luxuries serve as a disadvantage to society as a whole? Would enough people be comfortable with their basics covered to not strive for more or would there still be a hunger within the populace to advance the country past its rivals?
5. What is your ideal woman? We discussed what makes a man a man. What makes a woman a woman? How flexible are you with your ideals of the perfect woman? Is there one mold of perfection for you? What intrinsic values do you prioritize and what extrinsic values do you prioritize and how do they rank against each other?
6. How much do external factors change who you are as a person? Are you more or less impressionable than the average american? With your knowledge of those of other countries, are they impacted the same way or is that uniquely american with our inundation with media?
7. America may or may not be the #1 country..do we have the #1 way of life? Are our metrics backwards? Are we disillusioned?
8. If you were forced to move to another country and were unable to move again thereafter..where would you go and why?
9. Should there be a global passport? Whats wrong with globalism really?
10. If the whole world had to subscribe to one religion, which one would you choose and why? If you can, pick one that is different than the one you currently identify as
11. If men could get pregnant or if women could impregnate other women, would your opinion of homosexuality change?
@ORDER_66 @OfTheCross @Prynce @Matt504 @theworldismine13 @Mastamimd @FAH1223 @phcitywarrior @Serious @EndDomination @DEAD7 @Hazel Brown @breakfuss @A.R.$
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