I have more time to do it now because my weekend hours have been cut back some. I can only do weekends though...unless y'all want to do weeknights after 11 pm est.
I'm still down to do these joints, but y'all gotta work with me. I'll do the hosting and recording, but I can't be the only one hunting people down. It's gotta be group effort.
Also, we're getting close to full capacity on podomatic. Zero deleted the 1st two episodes...I still have them on my pc. We could upgrade to more than enough space for $88. I can put $15-20 or so on it and 88 said he can too. Can anyone else chip if I set up a paypal account? We just a few people to chip in like $10.
im down to donate.
if we do the upgrade can we re-upload the first two podcasts? gotta preserve history