@Hollywood Hogan wins easy. Most neutral person on here and he comes with some witty one liners that shut threads down.
Hmm, I didn't know you were white.i am not a alias. I wuz born on a planterium in alabamma and i am won hunned puhcent amurican.
if dere r alias dat poss hear dey need to go back to messico. espeshally dat marksiss anker baby brown pride.
i am not a alias. I wuz born on a planterium in alabamma and i am won hunned puhcent amurican.
if dere r alias dat poss hear dey need to go back to messico. espeshally dat marksiss anker baby brown pride.
@Hollywood Hogan wins easy. Most neutral person on here and he comes with some witty one liners that shut threads down.
i dont know what dem big words mean or wear u learn dem from but i know i defanitly dont truss no negro who talk da way u talk. u seem like u a islam anyweigh. take ur sherrya law back to ******ia or weareva u come from!Perhaps we can join forces, my ORIGINAL Vietnamese brother. Your National Association for the Advancement of c00ning People and my Hebrew Moorish Nation of 360 Degree Kemetian Masonry would be a POWERFUL alliance.