He's referring to the brain drain in the black community. The Talented Tenth were supposed to reach back but instead most run to the white community. It's not as bad as he's making it out to be but, it's an issue.
That is what could happen to him. This brother can help contribute to build a black Silicon Valley. Even the white guy in the interview was like "we should invest in this guy"
The thing is educated blacks have been taught to integrate ourselves and our resources with white people who then benefit more on our work in the long run than we do. He more than likely do that and will eventually be bought out by another white company. That is what happened with BET. BET was a good foundation for us to create multiple media outlets. It had undeniable appeal to us and it made a lot of money through advertisements. By now, we could have had an umbrella of channels catered to us.
A black owned:
Sports channel
Home improvement
Reality TV
Full time Music channel
Instead today we do not own any of those things exclusively. Even Oprah's network is owned by Discovery. BET by Viacom. The reason is because we were not taught to practice group economics. Asians and even Latinos understand the importance of practicing group economics.