who is the crowd directing the racist chants to? they're both white :patrice: What they saying?
M mson Veteran Supporter Joined Sep 10, 2012 Messages 55,220 Reputation 7,075 Daps 104,844 Reppin NULL Aug 14, 2015 #46 yoyoyo1 said: who is the crowd directing the racist chants to? they're both white Click to expand... What they saying?
yoyoyo1 said: who is the crowd directing the racist chants to? they're both white Click to expand... What they saying?
krackdagawd Inspire. Joined May 1, 2012 Messages 45,826 Reputation 8,296 Daps 140,306 Reppin Another Gold Medal Aug 14, 2015 #47 kind of regret not going to this
M mson Veteran Supporter Joined Sep 10, 2012 Messages 55,220 Reputation 7,075 Daps 104,844 Reppin NULL Aug 14, 2015 #48 They're both game.
A Achille All Star Supporter Joined Jun 6, 2012 Messages 4,242 Reputation 1,070 Daps 11,614 Reppin S.M.B 4 EVER Aug 14, 2015 #49 Is that my GOAT in the front row doing his homework on HUCK. He supposed to have a fight on Sunday in Connecticut.
Is that my GOAT in the front row doing his homework on HUCK. He supposed to have a fight on Sunday in Connecticut.
Gizza Can’t find a job, YOU can rap at least Supporter Joined Apr 7, 2014 Messages 5,534 Reputation 1,148 Daps 10,607 Reppin Norcal Aug 14, 2015 #50 Got awaken by gettin my head stomped on by my kid sayin "basket baaall" This boy Marco bloated n still throws ugly who winnin fuk it
Got awaken by gettin my head stomped on by my kid sayin "basket baaall" This boy Marco bloated n still throws ugly who winnin fuk it
Big D Bangston Superstar Joined Jun 21, 2012 Messages 13,956 Reputation 2,378 Daps 33,881 Reppin Bama born and bred Aug 14, 2015 #51 Boom Bye Bye
Stinky Diver attitude as bad as his odor Joined May 7, 2012 Messages 7,489 Reputation 1,100 Daps 19,729 Aug 14, 2015 #52 NIGHT NIGHT EDIT: OH NO fukkERY
N.J.stan RIP Mac Miller Joined Apr 5, 2014 Messages 4,853 Reputation 880 Daps 11,261 Reppin NJ Aug 14, 2015 #53 This fight just took a turn
F FukkaPaidEmail Retired Hoodrat whisperer Joined May 5, 2012 Messages 23,194 Reputation 4,108 Daps 89,462 Reppin The Diaspora Aug 14, 2015 #54 This fight
Big Boss Veteran Joined Sep 26, 2012 Messages 179,267 Reputation 13,146 Daps 350,981 Reppin NULL Aug 14, 2015 #55
krackdagawd Inspire. Joined May 1, 2012 Messages 45,826 Reputation 8,296 Daps 140,306 Reppin Another Gold Medal Aug 14, 2015 #56 I lost
M mson Veteran Supporter Joined Sep 10, 2012 Messages 55,220 Reputation 7,075 Daps 104,844 Reppin NULL Aug 14, 2015 #57 Rocked him
TheNig Dr.TheNig DDS Supporter Joined May 1, 2012 Messages 55,878 Reputation 5,922 Daps 117,335 Reppin Brolic... Alcoholics Aug 14, 2015 #58 Cold ass scrap...
Big Boss Veteran Joined Sep 26, 2012 Messages 179,267 Reputation 13,146 Daps 350,981 Reppin NULL Aug 14, 2015 #59 This fight
Dr. Acula Hail Hydra Supporter Joined Jul 26, 2012 Messages 26,123 Reputation 8,836 Daps 139,134 Aug 14, 2015 #60 This fight is dope.