Anyone have it and still work out?
Anyone had it and lowered it through exercise? How long did it take?
I've had borderline high blood pressure since my early 20s, and I've always been on the thin side. Stress and family history is a bytch I guess.
Anyway I take water pills to keep it down, seems to work well enough with few side effects.
Water pills?
Regular water not good enough?
You could've just admitted that you don't know what water pills are.
Ok, I don't. I just looked em up tho.
Put me on game. Did you experience side effects?
Only side effect is peeing more often, which is basically the point of taking it. If your BP runs high it might be worth running it by the doc. For like $5 you can get two months worth.
One thing to be careful about is when you take them tho, it's best to take it in the morning. Taking one before bed will have you getting up every two hours to pee.
Thin has noting to do with it according to some. It's just that if you're overweight it increases your chances of having it.and I've always been on the thin side.
Anybody familiar with Lysinopril?