I'm Everywhere you ain't never there
How can you say drew is a failure? There is no audience to determine thatI don’t think so and that’s a lame excuse to let Heyman slide .
Street Profits were over before the pandemic. Facts
With Heyman writing the show, they throwing axes and playing basketball. Not defending the belts when Montez is a star in the making is stupid.
Vega and her Crew are fine but it exposed Andrade. He can’t carry a feud or be the focus alone. Garza lapped him and Umberto by miles.
Seth and Buddy stepped up with Austin. They need to add one more person to be solid . AOP is suffering from USO disease. One of them is always hurt.
Shayna was booked terrible by Heyman. Biting Becky like a vampire was ultra stupid. Ruby Riot has been booked like a joke .
Liv doesn’t have it no matter how pretty she is.
Lana doesn’t have it .
Kevin Owens is phoning it in.
Nia Jax doesn’t have and never will.
The point I’m making is that some talent can’t elevate no matter the writing or the push.
Heyman has been terrible when you look at the big picture.
Drew Mac is a failure.
honestly how can anyone make a decision like this during these times? The ratings? Who really expected people to tune into a wrestling show with no audience? How can USA expect them to have decent ratings? How can Vince expect his guys to be able to connect with the fans when most people tuned out because there is no audience.
none of this is any of the talents fault. But they are being scapegoated because someone had to pay
AEW is way better at these no fans shows and there ratings are tanking too. If there was ever a time to stop paying attention to ratings this is it. The ratings wot go up no matter what they do, so are they going to keep firing people until it’s just Vince left?