I'm a HUGE fan of Lovecraft so this is all cool as hell to me. Hastur, one of the Great Old Ones, has an avatar called The King In Yellow as well:
Not saying this show is gonna turn into some crazy cosmic horror shyt but the creator Nic Pizzolatto has referenced Lovecraft in interviews before:
The Arkham Digest: Interview: Nic Pizzolatto, creator/writer of HBO's True Detective
Nothing makes me believe it, I'm tossing out ideas. It could happen. You can't say it's NOT going to happen, you have no idea. It wouldn't be a terrible ending, it would be in line with all the 19th century literature Pizzolatto is so fond of quoting. It's not as if I pulled this idea out of thin air. The "heroes" losing, getting killed, winding up in insane asylums are the bread and butter of Lovecraft.
It doesn't tie into it at all. God/Satan doesn't exist in The Cthulhu Mythos, the only gods are the Great Old Ones (Cthulhu, Azathoth, Nyarlathotep, Yog-Sothoth, Hastur aka The King In Yellow, etc.)
Now, one of the Great Old Ones, Nyarlathotep aka The Crawling Chaos, is often mistaken for Satan and is worshiped as such. He appears as a handsome charismatic man that offers power and prestige to his followers, but it always leads to ruination and madness.
That's the thing about the Great Old Ones though, they're bad news. You've probably seen movies or read stories where someone sells their soul to the Devil in exchange for riches or power....the Great Old Ones have no interest in humans or souls. They want to wipe out all life on Earth, that's it. They don't make deals and they don't reward their followers. Only the most depraved, insane people (like Reggie Ledeux) would willingly worship them.
Side note:
Nic Pizzolatto is probably using Chambers "The King In Yellow" instead of directly referencing Lovecraft because "The King In Yellow" is public domain. No one holds the copy right to it so it's free. Also he gets the added bonus of it tying into The Cthulhu Mythos, anyway, for free. Lovecraft's stuff is kind of a legal nightmare as far as copyrights go.
He is fronting. That's exactly what he does. Nic Pizzolatto himself said so like 2-3 weeks ago. These cats just mis-read the character and are upset with the writers because of it.
I tried to tell people a long ass time ago "The King In Yellow" has no clues regarding this show. That's why I wasabout the book suddenly flying up Amazon's best seller's list. Aside from the name itself and referencing Cassila's Song this show has zero ties to the play.
The King In Yellow, Carcosa, "black stars" etc. are great material for a creepy cult but the less we know about it the better. There is only vague references to it in the original fiction, anyway. I don't suspect "True Detective" will give it any kind of connective mythology.
But Pizzolatto needs to stop fronting. Acting like"I had no idea people would over analyze the show and look for clues". Breh you name dropped Bierce, Chambers, Lovecraft and cosmic horror several times in various interviews. Don't sit there and act surprised when people read too much into it.
Pizzolatto started writing season 2 a minute ago. So whether or not the new detectives are male or female was decided long before the media started complaining, so it's kinda a pointless discussion either way.
It didn't though. Cats just misread the character, nothing more nothing less. The fact that the guy is a wreck in 2012 should be a big ass clue for all his talking he's just as damaged and imperfect as everyone else. It's not like Pizzolatto wrote the earlier scenes with no idea how the character would wind up.
It only exists in a vacuum if you completely disregard how he ended up in 2012. It seems out of character up to that point....after that point, how he ended up, it's pretty obvious for all his philosophical ramblings, how he handled that is completely inline with who he actually is. Not who he claims to be. Like I said earlier in the thread he gave you a clue about that in ep 1, when he admitted he can't override his "programming". He's just a human.
Pizzolatto wrote all 8 eps at once, he knew exactly who Rust really was when he made him fukk Maggie.
Now my 2 cents.
No offense to anybody but it seems like 90% of the people that have problems with the finale, didn't understand the type of story they were being told. It's the same shyt with Rust. People misinterpreted the character. That should be blatantly obvious now, given the last scene.
And t's not on some"this story is so deep you don't get it!". More like, I tried to tell cats this was a Lovecraft story 50+ pages ago. I literally said "there will be little to no resolution" and "they will stop the lawnmower cat, but the cult will largely be unaffected by it".
Am I that smart?. No, I just knew what type of story was being told.
In these types of stories the universe is at best indifferent, at worst downright malicious to it's heroes. They aren't owed anything in these types of stories. Least of all resolution or victory.
As much as Pizzolatto name-dropped Liggoti and Lovecraft I'm shocked Marty and Rust are still alive. So the complaint of"well, they didn't resolve the larger cult issue" is
So yeah....I loved the finale. Would it have beenif Maggie got real close and whispered "welcome to Carcosa" in Marty's ear in the hospital...of course....but there was no way in hell any kind of off the wall twist was going to happen, given the framework of the story in the last 2-3 episodes. And if you notice, that's when "oh, this show fell off" started. I see critics (and people in this thread) talking about "oh, he decided on a conventional ending" like that's a bad thing.
I'm not going off "is this interesting to watch"? Or even "good". Or "a better ending". Those are subject to opinion.
I'm going off, they sold you exactly the kind of story they told. From day 1. Like I said, I told cats 50+ pages ago "the types of stories that Pizzolatto is name-dropping, don't have clear cut resolution". I wasn't psychic. I didn't read spoilers. I don't know the dude. It was blatantly obvious how it would end, to anyone with a even passing knowledge of Lovecraft.
And you're talking about 2 different things. Nowhere in my post did I say "they want resolution aka a twist". This type of story having no resolution has nothing to do with it not needing a twist. It's also totally unrelated to the quality of the show.
Which brings me to my next point. No offense, but you're late as fukk to the thread, so of course my comments about "people want a twist" seem random. They aren't. A lot of people came up with crazy ass theories about a "twist" that would supposedly happen. And then an ep aired....and another....and it became obvious none of that shyt was gonna occur. So yes, some people are letting that color their perception of the show....just like some people painted Rust as an emotionless Philosopher Bot 3000 and then turned on him, the writer, and the show itself when they found out he's just another guy.
Again, I'm telling you what happened. This isn't oh, I love this show, let mefor it. I've had my share of complaints about it, if you read my earlier posts.
I dunno what you cats wanted....a line or two saying "we're not done yet"? I'm not being facetious....I seriously don't know what more resolution people wanted in the context of the story. This shyt would turn into "Dexter" if there was any indication Rust and Marty were gonna go after the rest of the cult.
Oh, so all the people I sonned want to look up my old quotes. Oh, ok.
To all you morons that keep quoting what I said, you must've missed the part where I said it's all SPECULATION. I guess you missed the part where I said "I doubt it'll have a twist". You can say "well, you read a Pizzolatto quote"....ok, and?
I never said "I guarantee Marty's wife is in on it, I'll take a ban!". I never said any of that shyt had a remote chance of happening, outside of passing the time on a message board. Unlike people typing paragraphs on why Rust "broke character" when he fukked Maggie, or whatever other weird shyt you people were actively pushing.
You cats are acting like women right now. I say some shyt, get a few daps, and here you all come for attention "oh, that ain't what he said on page 45, the 5th paragraph".
Nah Pizzolatto said they can do any crime based story. It could be a master thief vs a Sherlock Holmes type character, etc. Any era, any kind of characters, etc.
Nic Pizzolatto is a novelist first and foremost. So I doubt this will ever turn into "Heat" or any kind of action movie shyt. And he already gave a vague outline of season 2, it's about "the occult history of the U.S. transportation system", or something like that. So expect more dialogue driven scenes.
As far as the cast, I doubt HBO can afford half of those guys.
Nic Pizzolatto rebooting "24" confirmed.
Couple things:
1. Read an interview earlier, Nic Pizzolatto was a novelist before he wrote for TV, and he retains the literary rights to the characters of "True Detective". So expect some Rust and Marty novels in the future.
2. Someone earlier....I think it might've been @GoldenGlove....asked if the green house was actually shown earlier in the season.
It was, in episode 2, when they're going around questioning people in '95. Rust actually does take a picture of the freshly painted house towards the end of the ep:
Like I said earlier in the thread Pizzolatto retains the literary rights to the characters. So there will be novels in the future.
The show is 8 eps long and neither actor is coming back next season. They had to put a cap on the character's journey somehow. Them having Rust say something about going after the cult, or not giving up....or anything like that would've been seen as a cliff-hanger. It would've drove people nuts. The way it's written we get his character arc from A to B. Or hell, from B back to A because the Rust we meet in the show isn't who he's always been.
Nic Pizzolatto said he was thinking about having a main character be a woman, so this isn't a surprise. As far as Brad Pitt, that's a rumor, but it could be both of them as the lead detectives.

You like talking about Nic Pizzolatto, ha?
He's your favorite author turned tv writer, ha?