El Cocodrilo
I'm not black but if there's one man that's gonna bring back that excellence I think it would be Big E... he just needs a different haircut and to put his buttcheeks away.
Kofi goes over no one important. Benjamin was pushed over Cripple H like 3x, got wins over Lesnar/Hogan, and was definitely superior in the ring. LOL@how Kofi threw those "punches" on Monday on Miz. He's gonna do what he always does now he's champion...the same thing he did this week and the year before. He's not gonna be one of the last 4 guys at the Royal Rumble and DEFINITELY wont get a push at Survivor Series. Cesaro is gonna look better than him at the even more than likely.
whats funny is the man who's going to end up bringing black excellence to the WWE will be this man
no one would of predicted it
whats funny is the man who's going to end up bringing black excellence to the WWE will be this man
no one would of predicted it
I dont see a problem with the PTP at all, I actually enjoy seeing the entire crowd doing the millions of dollars taunt like they started doing with the YES chantsI doubt it cause he's not that good...will say though, the push that the ptp are getting cause he came out is gonna help his partner....he gonna get exposure to the masses, which is cool cause he has potential...
I dont see a problem with the PTP at all, I actually enjoy seeing the entire crowd doing the millions of dollars taunt like they started doing with the YES chants
They can be the black Diesel and ShawnThe Real Deal Titus O'Niel needs Cool Powerman type of gimmick after the PTP has run its course, maybe when kofi turns heel he can be his bodyguard
For the life of me, I can't understand why people see all of this potential in Titus O'Neil. Is it really the case that all you need to do to impress the board is throw out a couple of semi-funny adlibs to impress people? Are we forgetting that O'Neil is COMPLETE shyt in the ring? I guarantee that the Primetime Players are much better as a tag team than they are as singles. Young and O'Neil play off of each other very well character wise and cover for one another's deficiencies as a tag team, deficiencies which are brutally exposed whenever either man is in a singles match.
There's nothing there for either guy as a singles competitor, sorry to say.
Hes not a rinf technician or anything but id say hes at least good as test was who had potential Hes like randy orton he needs people to make him look good, christian did a good job of that a couple of weeks ago on raw selling his power moves