I caved and started to listen to the review (skipping all the dumber parts of Cornette's screeds or parts where his sycophantic co-host talks), and it's the typical half-smart/half-dumb Cornette review so far.
Like, he criticizes them constantly for not doing proper long-range planning with their matches, but then suggests that they should have possibly had Adam Page beat MJF on the show? As if that isn't one of their major long-term feuds they've been building?

The whole point of them talking about one another and being around one another without touching much is to do a slow-burn build to a major PPV match or major TV main event (hopefully). In fact, they've actually been doing quite a bit of long-term booking when you actually break down how they've been putting matches and angles together.
He talks about them having to beat Jungle Boy and slowly build him as opposed to what AEW's currently doing with him, but he didn't have a match at Double or Nothing and lost his match in a good showing at Fyter Fest. Also, why wouldn't they feature (even in a limited role) one of their few recognizable faces?
Cornette's so stuck in his ways and resentful towards Kenny and the Bucks that he glosses over and seemingly refuses to see what they're actually doing in lieu of focusing on everything they're getting wrong. Not to say that everything he highlights is off base (Nyla Rose should've gone over strong, as much as I think she isn't ready for the moment), but it's just exhausting listening to him work out his issues with The Elite like this.