By Ben Thompson | September 02, 2014
BT: What's it like to be at the pinnacle of your craft and know that you're the best at what you do?
FM: We all are blessed in many different ways. The only thing we can do is take advantage of the gift that's given to us, use it to the fullest, and just be the best that you can be.
BT: When you call yourself TBE, The Best Ever, you're not saying that to brag and boast. You truly mean and believe that to be fact, right?
FM: I think when you're young, people can persuade you to think a certain way, if that's safe to say. You know, when you're a kid, you hear, "Ali! Ali!" But then, once you get older, you start really doing your homework. I love Muhammad Ali. Always have and always will. But then I look at the situation like, well Ali never beat Ken Norton. He lost all 3 fights. When Ali took time off and came back and fought, he lost to Joe Frazier. When I took time off, when I took my little vacation, I came back and I fought the number 2 pound-for-pound guy, which was Marquez. When Ali was older, I don't know his age, but he lost to a guy with 7 fights, which was Leon Spinks. I'm fighting guys that's young enough to be my son. I'm competing at the highest level and I'm dominating. That's what I do. I just look at Ali's career because I'm a student of the game. His defense was his movement, his legs. Once he couldn't move no more, he had to resort to the rope-a-dope. There's defense in different ways. Ali's legs were his defense. Once he couldn't use his legs, he just sat on the ropes and let a guy pound on him until the guy gets tired. One thing about me, I don't believe in taking punishment. I believe in the less you get hit, the longer you last. You know, I'm Floyd Mayweather and I'm going to get hit with good shots because this is a contact sport, a brutal contact sport. With all that being said, I love Ali. I will always love Muhammad Ali. Like I said before, his nickname is The Greatest. My nickname is TBE.
BT: I think that's the mentality of any competitive athlete. Whether it's you, Kobe Bryant, LeBron James, Peyton Manning, or Tom Brady, I think if you're striving to be the best, you have to want to be better than those that came before you. Do you think people lose sight of that when they get mad if you call yourself the best ever?
FM: Well me, myself, I respect all fighters. When I look at the situation of comparing Floyd Mayweather to so many different fighters, like with Sugar Ray Leonad and Sugar Ray Robinson, I just like to say that I respect them and take my hat off to all the legendary champions, but I just don't feel like I gave this sport my whole life to say there's another fighter better than me. I can't say that because I feel like we're all doing the same thing. I just feel that athletes are bigger, better, and stronger in every sport today.