Here are some word black folks / culture should not use...

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
I started noticing how words have been used to subjugate the black race. Obviously, the n-word being the most popular word, and while folk have flipped it to the “ga”versus “ger”, there exists other words, that have history/bias in subjugating an entire race.

What is interesting is the how the word gets used by all groups, at the expense of black folks. Heck even black flocks use the word.

To get more equality, there cannot be division.

I have noticed blacks cringe, or get the ghost face, when word is used. If there no command / un-acceptance of certain treatment, there cannot be equality.

Also, there n-word, is interesting cause of the history and “term of endearment” but do we have to take a negative name and make it positive? The irony.

Here are some word black folks / culture should not use...or flip/correct them...

= means this is what you think...or what you say in response/aloud/silently.

overnight = next day delivery
fight night = competition
last night = yesterday
blackmail = prevented
blackeye = tanned eye
dark spots = blemish anyone can get...
in the dark = unknown
blackbox = complex unique process
blackhat = genuine process to great solutions, or switch...blackhat good, whitehat bad
darkness = lights out
blackout = special day
dark = lights out
high yellow = yellow
that’s ghetto = that’s creative
I am white (said consciously or subconsciously) = who cares (you might hear or see this if you are underrepresented)
White = violent/rapist/liars
White paper = black text
hockey puck = base ball
8 ball = black cue ball
toilet = piss/sh#t on kkkrackkkerz all day
Mixed = ok, cool. We all are. Who cares.
Good hair = all hair is good hair. Who care.
it/us/them/yall/those – can be subjective…

now, there are yellow/light skinned folks in black community...although, gotta face it collective...

besides on further analysis...

the keys on your keyboard is white...

whites are actually peach, pink, a tinge of get the drift…propaganda deception have told white means positive…wrong. People trying everyone positively mean a good thing. Trying to put a group up and put another group down has nothing to do with purity or fairness. Selling yourself out, will not get your broadband respect.

In certain situation, you might not have this challenge, but for those movers/scalers in career/public fields and in dealing with peach folk /self haters, your gotta be on your up and up.

If no malice meant, then that’s it.

Now, some of the hood fellas, lets keep it real, love the associations/names/groups for everyone, the change is in the cross-over environment is not really cool. Cant have some white boy, you cool with, telling him, he is in, he is the n word. When, they meet me, I end all that buffoonery. White girls too. Hip-hop songs and all. Nope cant say it.

add on/expand...

Ray Jesus

May 1, 2012
aside from the fact that none of this really made sense at all... it's saturday night


Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
its deep...I know...

plus if you in a diverse problem...

but when you scale and know the history of folk, you know what it means...

I can explain further, if warranted.