Very very cautiously optimistic. Warhammer has the potential to rival the likes of Star wars as far as the expansiveness, lore, tragedy, epic sci-fi combat and everything else goes.
One thing I'm worried about is who they're going to have helming this endeavor. A Warhammer cinematic universe is extremely ambitious and daunting. Especially for live action. You would have to have some of the most ambitious and talented people in the industry involved.
Another thing that has me cautious is the fact that everything nowadays is constructed to appeal to the modern audiences of today which could possibly diminish what Warhammer actually is about.
Has a lot of potential but executing it perfectly is going to be a task. Amazon is like 50/50 with these adaptations. They definitely got deep enough pockets for it to look beautiful though.
You really need like dune level budget and care or Peter Jackson's Lord of the rings level shyt really do this right.
Henry Cavill is still a B Lister and I doubt he has the kind of pull and connections to really get big names involved to make this project flourish. Obviously it's not just him and moreso Amazon but still. If you're going to do this do it right.
I feel the same way about this as I would about a Hyperion cantos series.
Warhammer's message is that every side is terrible and the universe has literally devolved into a forever war where every side has been nurtured to think and perceive forever war as the only option left
A modern audience is not gonna mess with a completely unvarnished view of 40k played straight
Even the people who like 40k tend to fall in the spectrum of people who ignore the message of the setting and revere the characters and aesthetic far too much
Cavill is probably one of those types which makes me think he's too close to the setting to have an objective frame of mind about the content
These are the types you typically don't want acting in your movies or tv shows because their over familiarity with the setting compromises their acting or what the writer or director have in mind.