Helped a dyke realize she wasnt a man yesterday


Jah Sun Ma'at Ra
May 8, 2012
Yesterday on the Gold Mta bus in Baltimore a dyke stepped to me.

The scene: The gold bus runs east to west in north ave, one of baltimores main streets. Where I get on the bus it is already full of people, most of them going to pennslyvania ave stop Where the cvs that was set on fire is. I get on and stand at the very front of the bus.

When the bus stops at pennslyvania ave most of the people get off. Its about 7 people on the bus now so I sit down in the very front seat next to the handicap chairs.

A few stops past coppin this young butch with a hood on and the gangsta braids covering her face goes to exit the bus ( I thought it was a male). When the nikka gets to the front door she start patting her pockets like she was looking for something but couldnt find it. She then walk back onto the bus and comes directly to me.

This bytch then stands overtop of me, hood on, face covered in braids, leg touching mine, looking down on me and mumbles some shyt about a phone.

I respond. I rise, grab her by the collar, ask her ' is you crazy?', put her face in the window, then toss her to the floor and push her face into the floor. She eventually stop resisting so I loosen up.

Then she go to get up. Keep in mind, at this point I dont even know its a female, she still got her hood on. So I just rush her with more force because now I dont know if she going for something so Im preparing to put her lights out. I have a knife in hand.

Then she pull her hood off and say i'm a girl. I still couldnt tell and wasnt even listening. My attention is on making sure she isnt getting into her pockets.

But now everybody on bus getting involved.

This older white woman stand in between us, like I wont go through her too.

Then one of the muslim brothers that dye their beards put his hands on me yelling 'Respect!' over and over.

I bark on him too. Dont touch me, and stop yelling in my face.

Another female go to where the dyke was sitting and come to the front with her phone. Was on thr floor where she was sitting.

Nitch then take her phone and get off. I leave a word with her and sit down cause I got 3 stops to go. Now the driver pacing talking bout calling the police.

He eventually starts driving but now theres tension.

As I get off I apologize....this nikka responds 'man that was a girl tho'

nikkas is crazy man

I dont ride mta buses regularly, here's an example why.

Instagram: Lukhanyiso_maat