naw already started with justice, here is my intro( note that I have a limited amount of time so I am rushing, but trying to make it decent)-The masked man is scared; he is running through the streets, and turns into an alley. He has robbed a local convenience store, wounding the owner in the process. He looks back and sees a pursuer. He tumbles over items around him to slow his pursuer down, and hops a high fence to create a barrier between them. He then fires multiple bullets in the pursuer’s direction hoping to hinder him even more, but it has no affect and the pursuer quickly catches up and subdues the masked man. The pursuer is a protector of the innocence, coming in great times of turmoil and knows no bounds. Yet it is not a person or thing; it is an ideal, a never dying spirit of our species, its name is Justice.
Justice is an evolutionary construct design to promote the promulgation of the mammalian class. Instinctive modules of behavior displaying a sense of justice and egalitarianism have been observed in the mammalian line all the way down to rats and up to monkeys.