Whereas the new bug stuff is certainly a welcome difficulty bump, they need to make better sense of the difficulty. Every breach on SD10 is - at minimum - like 3 Impalers, 7 Chargers, 4 Bile Titans, and the Shrieker swarms on top of throwing the smaller fodder at you. It's a poor difficulty crutch that in reality only serves as a loadout dump mechanic. It isn't hard' it's just annoying you need to constantly empty strat resources and the nutty spawnrates generally out-muscle strategem time management.
The other side of that is the Mega Nests make perfect sense. As big of a task as it can be. destroying it is a choice on your time, and there's solutions to those with closing the holes.
And they still haven't fixed the sound cues for the big enemies.

Getting tired of being snuck up on. Lizzo sized Chargers running at you more quiet than a mouse wearing socks tiptoeing on carpet.