Prison » Media Launches New Demonization Campaign as Oath Keepers Arrive in Ferguson
Media Launches New Demonization Campaign as Oath Keepers Arrive in Ferguson
Despite Oath Keepers protecting black-owned businesses from looters during previous unrest
Paul Joseph Watson
August 11, 2015
The same establishment media that celebrated black-owned businesses being looted and burned during last year’s Ferguson riots is once again demonizing Oath Keepers – the organization that helped protect property belonging to Ferguson residents from being attacked.
Following Sunday night’s shooting, Infowars reporters Joe Biggs and Jakari Jackson arrived in Ferguson to cover the latest developments. They were flanked by Oath Keepers members who were exercising their right to open carry.
Despite the fact that the Oath Keepers immediately began educating Ferguson demonstrators on their constitutional rights and having constructive conversations about how the movement should be about unity and not race hate, the media jumped on their presence and instantly turned it into another opportunity for race baiting and division.
Newsweek quoted the Southern Poverty Law Center, a
George Soros-backed outfit that exists solely to smear conservative groups, accusing Oath Keepers of being “fiercely anti-government” and “militaristic”.
St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar also said the group’s presence was “both unnecessary and inflammatory,” while #BlackLivesMatter activist Talal Ahmad questioned why “white citizens” were even allowed to enter a “black community” at all.
The Independent also
contributed to the race-baiting, asking why only white people are allowed to carry guns (anyone is allowed to open carry under Missouri law regardless of their skin color).
The term ‘Oath Keepers’ soon began trending on Twitter, where the echo chamber of negative rhetoric was amplified.
Deray McKesson, a prominent #BlackLivesMatter leader who is constantly lavished with praise by the mainstream media, also retweeted a slur against Oath Keepers and Infowars.
Why is Oath Keepers – an organization that
came to the aid of Ferguson residents during last year’s looting – being demonized by #BlackLivesMatter leaders?
And why are #BlackLivesMatter leaders parroting the same propaganda as mainstream media outlets that
celebrated black-owned businesses in Ferguson being looted?
Why are attempts by the Oath Keepers to create unity in opposition to police brutality between blacks and whites being turned into another excuse for racial division by #BlackLivesMatter leaders and the establishment media?
The videos below, which show protesters and Oath Keepers engaging in constructive dialogue about how to get past racial division and unite blacks and whites in opposition to police and state brutality, illustrate why those who wish to hijack and corrupt the #BlackLivesMatter movement are so terrified of this narrative being communicated.