I meant to post this yesterday.
You sure the lack of buzz has nothing to do with 
Nothing on HBO minus
Got and
True Detective has any buzz. Even stuff I love (
Veep) and like (
Silicon Valley) don't get talked about save for a few blogs here and there.
The reason I think HBO isn't pushing
Ballers as much as they could/should is probably because, like the
Entourage movie, this premise probably would have been hot 5-8 years ago.
The era of a bunch of people tuning in to watch gratuitous (feminists would say misogynist) nudity and rich people partying on yachts is dead.
If you look at what's in the pipeline for HBO, you'll notice they're skewing mid-30's and up, and/or white, and/or feminine.
Sarah Jessica Parker divorce comedy
Sarah Silverman 40 year old mid-life crisis comedy
Brother in Atlanta (two brothers in their mid-late 30's living in ATL)
Duplass Brothers comedy
Whitney Cummings relationship comedy
1980's music video comedy
Ballers would have fit better and been promoted heavier on Showtime as a partner to
House of Lies in my opinion.
I think too much about TV since I'm trying to get into it