you really don't see the racial insensitivity in his statement?
It was a bad joke but whatever. Nothing to lose sleep over. This site sh!ts on Black women every day and night so there's a certain irony with pointing a finger at this Guy. Matter fact, to take it a step further, there's a certain irony considering there are a considerable amount of Black women who make comments about Brothers who date out saying, "he couldn't handle a Black woman." When they say "handle", they sure aren't talking about maintenance on prosthetic legs. Where's there's smoke there's fire. Not saying all Black women or even half or most are on that sh!t but there's enough of em that fit the description.
BTW, I hate the description "insensitivity" when it comes to Black people. Makes us look like children with hurt feelings. Call Wilcox out for a teaching and learning moment, but don't be offended crying about insensitivity. I fear the day when Black adults will need safe rooms, coloring books, and play dough like overly sensitive feminists on college campuses.