I've always had hose beings that would disappear as soon as I saw it at the corner of my eye.
I remember when I was feeling at my lowest, the witch rode me multiple times. It's one of the reasons why I don't sleep in the pitch dark. I'm not afraid of the darkness, just what is in it. I can feel negative energy when I'm in complete darkness.
I had a root person tell me somebody dug the grave on me and I don't know who still.
I've experienced some weird things like and other stuff.
I use to get it all the time at my old house when I was alone in bed. The witch never came around when I had company like my girl etc...
I do recall one time it came about when I fell asleep on the couch in my living with all the lights on and my mom upstairs. I woke up paralyzed and this witch voice saying in my ear you not going anywhere. I woke up sweating and shyt. I use to get it everyday and it started slowing down once I felt someone sitting on my bed at night.
My old house had all types of weird shyt like the black tall man who use to be on the third floor and to remind y’all the house was built from the ground up. I remember he came to my wife when my first son was born and stood at my bedroom door until I came back home because my sister rush to my house saying my brother in law ran out with a gun after some shyt at a bar.