Your objective semi-troll
Fans went crazy for Bret in Canada. example 2:18, Bret,Pillman,Bulldog,Owen,Anvil vs LOD, Austin, Shamrock, Goldust (part 1) - YouTube
Dat building shake

Fans went crazy for Bret in Canada. example 2:18, Bret,Pillman,Bulldog,Owen,Anvil vs LOD, Austin, Shamrock, Goldust (part 1) - YouTube
The best pre-champion Austin pop was No Way Out 98. Really it lasted for the entire match. Especially by it being in Houston, his "hometown".I posted this in another thread but for some reason i could watch it 100 times
Best Stone Cold Steve Austin Entrance - YouTube
Imagine that night if you're vince doing commentary. You have the belt around a soon to leave bret hart...fueding with hbk...and you think you might have something in steve austin. He's been getting great ovations since wrestlemania, and he's got the attitude you want to run with.
Then you hear THAT pop...easily the biggest youve heard in years...and the crowd is fukking UNGLUED. The hottest wrestler in the WORLD is steve austin...
Then he breaks his fukking neck. Right in front of you.We talk about wrestling what-ifs a lot...this one is huge....if he hadnt healed enough to keep going and had to retire or was parilyzed.
But anyway have you ever heard an ovation like that? Especially for a NON surprise or run-in?
The best pre-champion Austin pop was No Way Out 98. Really it lasted for the entire match. Especially by it being in Houston, his "hometown".
2hr 16 min mark
I think he had louder pops after winning the title tho
at the pop when Austin stunned Chyna
The best pre-champion Austin pop was No Way Out 98. Really it lasted for the entire match. Especially by it being in Houston, his "hometown".
2hr 16 min mark
I think he had louder pops after winning the title tho