Blaming Jews for everything or just being the snakes that they are?
You are in here acting like what they are doing is some something special...
The only difference between their hustle and any other minority communities' hustle is that they are not being criminalized for it...
You sitting up here saying you respect their hustle? They popping out broods of babies and collecting government cheese and not paying a dime in taxes
Chile please ... Respect?
So, what's your problem with Jews? I don't care for them or not care for them. But you seem to have a real issue. Expound
I respect them flipping it and using it for the benefit of their community's interest in those neighborhoods. Now, if they were just collecting money for having a bunch of kids by random Jewish dudes and being dusty, then I would give no props. But they're using that subsidized housing to save money in their own pockets, so they can take their money and invest with each other and build.
Regardless of the legality of it or the morality of it, I have to respect their ruthless execution of community self-interest. They're building with each other in cash while playing the po mouth with the City.
So, in that regard, they are doing something special. Other minorities, which I know you mean blacks and latinos, aren't flipping the game the same way....from what I see at least. They want to get on public assistance for the sake of doing it. They're not taking that money they saved and building with others in their group by circulating the money, creating an economy and blocking others from entering said economy. That's the difference....not the subsidized housing portion.
Now, if you know of a pocket of blacks who are gaming the City for reduced price housing all while using their money exclusively with each other in order to enrich that community of black people, then please point them out.