Notorious 1 E.Y.E.
Crowd fukking loved it when she won the mitb and the loved it when she cadhed it in
Miz id the king of thisI've never seen someone wrestle so much without actually taking any bumpsthe only other person I've seen do that is Great Khali, and that's cause he couldn't bend his knees
Miz id the king of this
Yeah she got hit by the ladder a few timeIt’s actually been acknowledged that Miz is a safe worker, and he also doesn’t have to be walked through his matches like a toddler. Alexa on the other hand literally gets her hand held and walked through these matchesdid Alexa hit the mat or a ladder at all last night?? Felt like every woman in that match did something notable other than her. Well, besides climbing the ladder to win.
Crowd fukking loved it when she won the mitb and the loved it when she cadhed it in
James Ellsworth pop >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Alexa got the loudest crowd pop tonight second only to Seth Rollins
the comment section full of people mad at this shyt.
I havent watched WWE in a few years but I watch the review shows and it seems like Alexa hasnt done shyt since she came back
Absolutely nothingI havent watched WWE in a few years but I watch the review shows and it seems like Alexa hasnt done shyt since she came back
I havent watched WWE in a few years but I watch the review shows and it seems like Alexa hasnt done shyt since she came back
Admitting you're a Bliss fan is a disappointment in it hasn't worn off. she's still fine as hell, popular, and a merchandise moving machine for the company. however, with that said ... even as a Bliss fan.... gotta say.... she's been pretty disappointing since coming back.