I remember watching Me, Myself, and Irene for the first time in my Peer Mediation class in 7th grade (goat middle school class).
We were a small class of like 10 students and every other day we had to mediate issues between other students throughout the school. But when we weren't doing that, our teacher pretty much let us do whatever we wanted for the rest of class time. We ended up watching shyt like American Pie and playing GTA and shyt
But one day this white dude brought in the Me, Myself, and Irene DVD. I thought it looked wack tbh, and wanted to watch something else, but we were outvoted so whatever...
Man I don't think I've ever laughed so hard at school before. I was crying

and my cheeks were hurting and I couldn't breathe. His three sons had me dying and then when it got to this part I was done
I'm not sure if the comedy will hold up for me as an adult, I was like 12 or 13 at the time. And my amusement was probablyly heightend by being surrounded by a group of other middle schoolers, and we also were cracking up because the teacher would glance up from her desk like

, but the combination of it all really made that day one of the funniest I've ever had.
I need to watch it again to see if it holds up.