things like clen, albuterol, and t3 arent going to solve everything. You still have to diet properly
even still its not terribly difficult. It just takes a certain amount of food planning so that you dont deviate. Id say the best bet is to cook meats in advance and then have single serve vegetable packs. And limit ur carbs to maybe 1-2 meals a day
id also say take a hard look at the vitamins you currently have
multi, fishoil, zinc, magnesium, b-complex would be a good start
I'm half-joking on the clen....I have thought about it but it aint that serious for me. I would do an ECA stack before I ever tried clen and I'm not even sure I'm serious enough even for that. Right now I just do 200 mg caffeine either in pill or coffee...I should probably try to bump that up to 400-600 mg and see if that helps
As far as my diet goes, it already is pretty good it is just not carb-restricted. I work from home so I plan out my meals fairly meticulously, I just don't pay attention to carbs. I did just come up with a plan for the next few weeks though that puts me at 160 g protein and 135 g carbs (almost 40 of those being fiber), so I hope that this new diet plan can help me burn that last few pounds of fat.