God apparently is beyond the scope of our view of good and evil. I think the presence of a character like Satan is actually due to a very dark, mysterious aspect of God...namely a noted lack of fear in creativity.Yes, all of that...yet, I still counter with:
God is omnipotent & omnipresent, he knows the day/hour/second, he knows every hair on your head...HE IS ALL KNOWING (let that soak in a bit).
Yet, he still favored Lucifer.
If you had the power to create a car & KNEW that it would rust, breakdown, will be a death trap/accident prone, would you still create &... favor it?!
Lean not unto thine own understanding = blissfully ignorant. I don't subscribe to religion, denominations, doctrine, etc. I believe in 1 God and that he is control of EVERYTHING thus responsible for EVERYTHING. God created me with purpose and if he wants me to serve him, he'd better show me how...everyday.
For a normal human being, if we knew that creating something could/would lead to something horrible happening, we probably wouldn’t do it.
God on the other hand has no such fear. In fact, God will always up the ante and create even the heinous shyt. Why? Because God is assured of he/she/it’s power to bring goodness even out of horror. There is no despair in the eternal godhead. No sense of hopelessness no matter how dire the situation is. No fear in the face of monsters.
And In my meditation, I’ve come to the realization that God intends for us to recognize a similar power and strength in ourselves. To overcome fear and despair even when shyt seems hopeless and enemies seem insurmountable. The entire story of life, the entirety of history is a perennial event of humanity being faced with impossible odds, and shoving one big ass middle finger to the impossible and doing it anyway.
Every time we try against the odds, we unveil a little more of our own divinity as we grow closer to the goal to “be perfect, even as ur father in heaven is perfect.”
Continued human survival, fortitude, and the sheer audacity to have beauty and love and goodness in a world of evil is probably one of the biggest existential indicators of how powerful we are. And a large reason why demons want our souls. Our efforts convict spirits and beings who gave into despair b/c if/when we triumph in impossible circumstances it’s a slap in the face to them indicating they could have done the same. Satan gets that slap over and over again for eternity until he accepts and submits to God’s will.