your avatar. Where'd you get it? Gametrailer forums?
i've also always enjoyed californication and would prolly always watch it
Sopranos. Simpsons. Curb. South Park. The wire. Batman animated series. Star Trek: Next generation. Cosby show, Mad Men
Hopefully I can add justified to this list. Futurama was hit and miss when it came back but it was still good. Spin city fell off after season 3 or 4. Martin's season 5 wasAnd fresh prince was only on for 6
both these shows didn't have over 5 seasons
I wanted to just put the Wire for the fukk of it because of its overall dopeness..but Batman started in 92 and didn't end until 98 and that's the entire run, including when they changed the name to Batman and Robin and New Adventures of Batman. I know they categorize that as three seasons but that many episodes over a 6 year period? I feel like that should count at least on a technicality
they categorize it as 2, it's actually 4 tho. its 80+ episodes.
shows take breaks all the time; these big time shows now days love to break up their seasons.