Harvard study CONFIRMS: Blacks and Black men suffer most from illegal immigration influx


Jan 7, 2013
Studies say white hiring practices with respects to illegal Mexican immigrants have led to increased incarceration and unemployment for black men. It's true and it's not changing, ever. Black men will only suffer more. Cacs will hire most anything before black and Mexicans come by the truckload. Their influx is bad for blacks, not just economically but crime wise too. Just ask LA. These studies and their conclusions were presented to the American fukking Congress. They better fukking do something about it. You're an idiot for defending immigrants who wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire.

My father is an immigrant ...im not standing up for Latinos (even if he is part Cuban) but if you cant see that this is diversion tactic to pit blacks against Hispanics then I dunno what to tell you.

Are you going to acknowledge the white mans part in denying black men jobs while giving black women housing and benefits ? Which spawned crime waves and gang culture and the current matriachy in the inner city under the influence of white 3rd wave feminism ?

Latinos didn't red-line loans/mortgages for blacks then turn around and subsidize cacs in suburbs.

Black unemployment and crime is the combination of continual efforts by white power structure and post civil rights blacks failure to start companies and build infrastructure under the family unit.

Stop caping for cacs .... And looking at things through a vacuum without context.