I've seen this enough on this forum...
If you go back to Britain about 2000 years ago, the land was ruled by tribes. Long hair, wife sharing, bloody skirmishes, etc the whole lot. The Romans came in initially, and they easily divided the tribes and conquered them. They even brought British slaves back to Rome. The Romans came back with more troops, but this time, the Brits were more organized. They fought savagely for their homeland until the Roman emperor gave up and built a wall. We're talking about Rome at the height of their power being unable to defeat savages with lesser technology, lesser agricultural abilities, less everything. The Scottish Highlanders in particular are or were considered some the most savage beasts on the planet. Think 6'3" 300 NFL linemen who grew up in a warrior culture. Now imagine thousands of them. The Roman empire made it about halfway up England before this wall was built, and they transformed the local society. Everything advanced: plumbing, agriculture, architecture (Britains built huts previously), trade, on and on.
Now skip forward to about 600 AD. Rome falls. With it, falls basically all of the civilized progress in Britain. Roads, trade networks, trades themselves like pottery and glass, etc. Everything basically falls as the people revert to a more tribal lifestyle again. Now, here comes the first of three more invasions of Britain. The Germanic Angles and Jutes, also tribal societies, invade Britain for it's land and resources. Lower England, being used to civilized life by now and inhabited by aristocrats, doesn't stand a chance against these new barbarians. A few people from lower Roman England escaped the pillaging. One was named Patrick. He introduced Roman Catholicism to Ireland once he got there, and he is now called "St. Patrick". (this was my inspiration for this thread)
To speed through the rest, two more major invasions happen: the Normans (another Germanic tribe) and the Vikings (well known Scandanavian tribe). Britain goes on to develop the world's best economy which leads to their massive British Empire (it wasn't the other way around). And elsewhere in Europe, similar invasions and dominations occurred leading to a mostly homogeneous lifestyle across Europe. And starting about 500 years ago, they made contact with Africa, got some slaves, and brought them all over the world where Europeans had dominated, but America more than anywhere else.
So what the hell am I getting at? I just wanted you all to see the constants behind these cultures and how modern circumstances came to be. The constant was not a single race of people; there were many. The constant was an idea of ownership. Natives everywhere, including ancient Britain, fought their ass off against this idea. Eventually, the bug infected its host deeper and deeper, like cancer, until it's host was no longer recognizable. So, it really wasn't the white man's fault. It was the bug that made the difference.
Now, I am not a pure Marxist, Socialist, Anarchist, Tribalist, etc either. This bug, while destructive, eventually led to the greatest achievements in humanity's history (basically all of modern science began in the 1500s). This puts us in a weirder situation because we have to appreciate that this entire sequence of events happened, even though tribal societies around the world were destroyed (including the large demographic on a hip hop forum, Africans) as collateral damage.
If you're poor and fukked, I understand how that appreciation is a bit tougher to feel.
And if you're African, I understand how you can feel bitter. Just remember that we all got fukked.
Plus now, no one from the past is around, neither the fukkers nor the fukkees. Everyone is under the same law and things are fair on the surface. Things are even genetically almost identical (see my post here on that discussion: http://www.thecoli.com/threads/is-g...-just-a-pipe-dream.196298/page-2#post-7643308).
Beneath all that, we have a difference in cultural values that leads to a lack of communication and a lack of assimilation. Look at every recently-tribal race: the Native North Americans, the Native South Americans, and the Australian Aborigines for instance. How are they doing? Been to a "rez" lately in America? Want to visit Venezuela any time soon? Are there many wealthy Aborigines out in Australia?? This is what separates African people from most other races in America. Yes, we have a variety of European ancestry and a variety of Asian (from Japan to China to India), but they are all thriving and get along together because their social morals come from centuries of civilization. A lot of Africans (not all of course) are fairly new to it all, so their morals are still somewhat tribal. So are the Native Americans, so are the Mexicans, so are the Venezuelans, so are the Australian Aborigines. They're resisting the bug, like we all did. Plus, 150 (end of slavery) to 50 (end of segregation) years is nothing on the scale that we are talking about here. Give things another 100 to 500 years (still nothing on the scale of human existence), and the cultures will merge, and any previous benefits that particular races had will disappear.
If you go back to Britain about 2000 years ago, the land was ruled by tribes. Long hair, wife sharing, bloody skirmishes, etc the whole lot. The Romans came in initially, and they easily divided the tribes and conquered them. They even brought British slaves back to Rome. The Romans came back with more troops, but this time, the Brits were more organized. They fought savagely for their homeland until the Roman emperor gave up and built a wall. We're talking about Rome at the height of their power being unable to defeat savages with lesser technology, lesser agricultural abilities, less everything. The Scottish Highlanders in particular are or were considered some the most savage beasts on the planet. Think 6'3" 300 NFL linemen who grew up in a warrior culture. Now imagine thousands of them. The Roman empire made it about halfway up England before this wall was built, and they transformed the local society. Everything advanced: plumbing, agriculture, architecture (Britains built huts previously), trade, on and on.
Now skip forward to about 600 AD. Rome falls. With it, falls basically all of the civilized progress in Britain. Roads, trade networks, trades themselves like pottery and glass, etc. Everything basically falls as the people revert to a more tribal lifestyle again. Now, here comes the first of three more invasions of Britain. The Germanic Angles and Jutes, also tribal societies, invade Britain for it's land and resources. Lower England, being used to civilized life by now and inhabited by aristocrats, doesn't stand a chance against these new barbarians. A few people from lower Roman England escaped the pillaging. One was named Patrick. He introduced Roman Catholicism to Ireland once he got there, and he is now called "St. Patrick". (this was my inspiration for this thread)
To speed through the rest, two more major invasions happen: the Normans (another Germanic tribe) and the Vikings (well known Scandanavian tribe). Britain goes on to develop the world's best economy which leads to their massive British Empire (it wasn't the other way around). And elsewhere in Europe, similar invasions and dominations occurred leading to a mostly homogeneous lifestyle across Europe. And starting about 500 years ago, they made contact with Africa, got some slaves, and brought them all over the world where Europeans had dominated, but America more than anywhere else.
So what the hell am I getting at? I just wanted you all to see the constants behind these cultures and how modern circumstances came to be. The constant was not a single race of people; there were many. The constant was an idea of ownership. Natives everywhere, including ancient Britain, fought their ass off against this idea. Eventually, the bug infected its host deeper and deeper, like cancer, until it's host was no longer recognizable. So, it really wasn't the white man's fault. It was the bug that made the difference.
Now, I am not a pure Marxist, Socialist, Anarchist, Tribalist, etc either. This bug, while destructive, eventually led to the greatest achievements in humanity's history (basically all of modern science began in the 1500s). This puts us in a weirder situation because we have to appreciate that this entire sequence of events happened, even though tribal societies around the world were destroyed (including the large demographic on a hip hop forum, Africans) as collateral damage.
If you're poor and fukked, I understand how that appreciation is a bit tougher to feel.
And if you're African, I understand how you can feel bitter. Just remember that we all got fukked.
Plus now, no one from the past is around, neither the fukkers nor the fukkees. Everyone is under the same law and things are fair on the surface. Things are even genetically almost identical (see my post here on that discussion: http://www.thecoli.com/threads/is-g...-just-a-pipe-dream.196298/page-2#post-7643308).
Beneath all that, we have a difference in cultural values that leads to a lack of communication and a lack of assimilation. Look at every recently-tribal race: the Native North Americans, the Native South Americans, and the Australian Aborigines for instance. How are they doing? Been to a "rez" lately in America? Want to visit Venezuela any time soon? Are there many wealthy Aborigines out in Australia?? This is what separates African people from most other races in America. Yes, we have a variety of European ancestry and a variety of Asian (from Japan to China to India), but they are all thriving and get along together because their social morals come from centuries of civilization. A lot of Africans (not all of course) are fairly new to it all, so their morals are still somewhat tribal. So are the Native Americans, so are the Mexicans, so are the Venezuelans, so are the Australian Aborigines. They're resisting the bug, like we all did. Plus, 150 (end of slavery) to 50 (end of segregation) years is nothing on the scale that we are talking about here. Give things another 100 to 500 years (still nothing on the scale of human existence), and the cultures will merge, and any previous benefits that particular races had will disappear.
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